Seven Main Relationship Goals

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Trust, communication, honesty, respect, privacy, loyalty,Forgiveness

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Trust, communication, honesty, respect, privacy, loyalty,Forgiveness

Respect is number one on relationships goal. If you don't have respect you can't accomplished any of the other six relationship goals needed to build up your relationship. Respect needs to be given and recieved to and from both parties of the relationship. Respect should be given to everyone no matter who you are. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect is the key factor to a strong and healthy relationship. Everyone deserves respect.

Communication another important key a relationship goal that is underrated. If only there was more communication in relationships. Talking about your feelings might seem silly or lame, but it really helps you understand what your significant other is feeling and you understand them and their ways more which lowers arguments and disagreements in most cases. Everyone wants to be heard and listening can earn you love points and help you grow closer as a couple. Counseling is a great way to help improve this key too. Communication is very important and shouldn't be looked upon lightly.

Honesty no one likes to be lied too. Honesty is clearly a big part of making a relationship what it is. Without honesty trust can't be built. You have to start somewhere. Its hard when you have done wrong and you have to admit it, but if you are with someone who truly cares about you they understand you will make mistakes and as long as there is honesty that's progress towards your relationship.

Forgiveness is a must in a relationship. If it wasn't there would be no relationship. As many times as we hurt each other with our action and words we would break up or end our relationships every other day. Forgiveness is easier said than done might I add. It takes a strong person to forgive and forget. Throwing the past or mistakes someone has made in their face is not going to help the relationship. It's going to push them away. Even though we forgive we don't forget as much as we wish we could, so that puts a heavy burden on the relationship at times. All we can do is move forward and do our best to prove and show our love for one another by not hurt your partner in the same way.  No one's perfect and we will make mistakes. If there's no forgiveness there's no trust. If you decide to forgive and stay with your partner this is a must key factor.

 If you decide to forgive and stay with your partner this is a must key factor

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Privacy keep your business behind closed doors and out the damn streets. Don't post online for everyone to gossip and start even more drama in your relationship. So many people make the mistake of putting everyone in their relationship. Especially family and friends. There's nothing wrong with venting, but be careful to who. Keep your friends close and enemies closer. It's like the game telephone we use to play in elementary school. She said he said is so high school and nobody has time for that. Privacy is a very important factor to start and keep through the WHOLE relationship.

 Privacy is a very important factor to start and keep through the WHOLE relationship

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Loyalty is what everyone wants. People can't even find that in just friends now a days. It hard to come by, but not impossible to have. If you play your cards right and do right by your lover you should get it back in return. If not there's a problem. Loyalty lies in the heart and it goes both ways just like everything else. It's all about balance patience, and understanding.
Loyalty can take you far and it's definitely an important relationship goal that is needed to help complete your relationship and grow with each other. Loyalty is a bond sealer and it goes hand and hand with trust.

Trust is an important key needed to build a healthy and strong relationship as well

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Trust is an important key needed to build a healthy and strong relationship as well. Not easily gained and hard to earn back, trust is a huge problem in a lot of relationships. Trust comes once you have the other six goals intact. No one's perfect and both parties are going to make mistakes in the relationship a number of times. That just comes with being in a relationship. That's just is what it is. If you don't have trust you don't have anything. Trust starts at the beginning of the relationship, when you first meet, technically. Trust really truly begins at home with your family and parents. A lot of scenarios of trust issues from women and men come from some type of broken or unhealthy environment at home usually at a young age. That's why everyone needs some type of counseling in my opinion. People of different races, different backgrounds, and life journey's go through similar situations, but don't have the same turn outs or results, and that could take a huge effect on any relationship or even friendship. That's what makes us different in our own way.

 That's what makes us different in our own way

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