“Sorry I have a boyfriend.” I didn’t want to say that because I don’t know if Michael wants all of them to know yet.

“Wait you and Michael.” He points to Michel and then me.

I see Michael looking out of the corner of his eye at us. I can tell he’s not listening to a word of what Ashton is saying.

Jace then backs away from me and says to Michael across the room, “Dude Michael, you’re taking this too seriously.”

Taking what?

Michael’s head snaps up and he rushes over to us.

“We’re going.” He grabs my arm and grabs Kelsey’s. She was talking to Luke and Calum

“Wait Michael, I thought we were going to eat to celebrate that you too are dating.” Jace says.

“Wait what.” Lacey says

“Yeah they’re dating.” Jace says

Kat glares at him.

I’m so confused. What is the big deal about us dating.

Sure we hated each other but I don’t get why Kat’s mad I thought she would be happy.

Calum and Luke are just being quiet.

“Skilar, you’re coming with me.” Kat says and grabs my hand.

“No she’s coming with me.” Michael says and pulls my hand.

“Michael don’t make me..”

“Stop Kat.” Michael says

I’m so confused. I have no clue what’s going on.

Autumn them comes out.

“You didn’t tell her did you.” Autumn smirks.

“Autumn don’t you dare.” Michael says

“Tell me what?” I find myself saying. I look around and see everyone with shocked faces. Jace is the only one who isn’t shocked, he’s smirking.

Michael tried to drag me out but I pulled out of his grasp.

“Michael and Jace had a competition going…” Autumn started saying. “Who would take you to prom in four weeks. We all placed bets.” She has her arms crossed and a proud smile plastered on her face.

“Wait what?” I said. I don’t think I heard her correctly. I couldn’t have heard her correctly. There’s no way that came out of her mouth.

“Your little prince, Michael only is with you because of a competition.” She said

I fell a tear roll down my cheek.

This couldn’t be right.

Everyone was just standing there waiting for me to do something. I didn’t know what to do. I whipped that tear off my cheek and faced Michael.

“Get your shit out of my fucking house now.”

“Skilar let me explain.”

“No,” I held up my hand. “I don’t want to hear it. Just go and get your shit.”

Autum’s words kept playing in my head, ‘we all placed bets’

I turn back to everyone.

“You all knew? You all placed bets on us?” I asked my voice started to crack but I was not going to cry in front of these people.

“Autumn, why do you have to be a bitch?” Kat asked.

She tried to pull me in for a hug but I backed away. She looked hurt by my action.

“Listen Skilar..”

“No you listen, I thought you were my friend?”

Kelsey then pulls my hand and starts to walk out of the store. I just go with her.

Michael tries to grab my arm but Kelsey pulls me harder and looks at Michael and says, “You’re a prick. You just lost someone who cared for you”

We walked out of the store and started to walk home.

“I’m sorry” Kelsey says

“Why are you saying sorry, you didn’t do anything.”

“I’m talking about what happened at home. Can we start over?”

“Yeah I would like that.” I saw.

I just went to my room and hopped right in the shower.

I just sat there for what felt like hours letting the hot water run down my back.

I thought of how I didn’t notice. I felt so stupid. I should of known.

I got out of the shower and put on my big shirt with long socks that reach my thighs and went into my room to go to sleep.

I looked in Michael’s room hoping he already got his shit. I was happy to see all of his stuff was gone.

I then go into my room and scream when I see someone sitting in my chair.


Don't kill me. I have a plan. 

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