Involuntary Misfortune [12]

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"There you go," Dr. Chiyo said as she removed the cast from the Uchiha's left arm.

A small smile graced his face as he flexed his wrist and made a fist. "Thanks," he said quietly. Although this wasn't his usual hospital, it was closer to his workplace, so he decided to do it here.

After clearing up all the formalities, he was allowed to go. The raven haired Uchiha sauntered down the busy hospital corridors with his hands in his pockets. His phone started vibrating in his pocket. Sasuke rolled his eyes as he fetched it knowing full well that Jurou would be on the other end. On a sigh he answered the call, "hello?"

"Are you coming back anytime soon? You have a meeting," he impatiently asked.

Sasuke was about to roll his eyes again when he caught sight of a blue haired man. His eyes narrowed at the tall man as be started walking faster. He seemed familiar; his skin was light blue in colour and he had small eyes. The Uchiha knew he'd seen his before but he just couldn't place a name to the face.

"Hello?" He was interrupted by Jurou on the other end of the call. Still he watched the navy blue haired man as he spoke with a woman at the front desk. "Mr. Uchiha!"

Sasuke stiffened, "yes, I'll be—"

"Excuse me Mister, but you're not allowed to use that in here," she said referring to his cellphone.

"I'll only be a minute."

"What?" Jurou asked confused.

The brown haired nurse shook her head and ushered him towards the exit, "I can't allow it. Hospital Policy." Sasuke threw one last glance towards blue haired man before he was outside. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Mr. Uchiha?"

"I'll be there in ten minutes," he muttered before hanging up. He didn't know how Itachi managed to put up with him, he annoyed Sasuke to no ends. The raven haired boy glanced up at the overcast sky before jogging to his car.


"Why do I have to do this again?"

"I'm not sure," Hinata said giggling at the pinkette beside her. They were in gym class and Gai-sensei had them stretching. He'd divided the group of girls into three sections. Those who were a good way into their pregnancy, those who where were still at an early stage and those who weren't pregnant.

Sakura, who was tired of stretching, looked at her blonde friend as she sat exhausted on the polished volleyball court. Ino was almost five months pregnant and had a noticeable stomach. It was the same with Temari, though Sakura wasn't exactly sure as to how far along she was, she could be further than Ino or right behind her.

There was a soft thud beside her followed by an exasperated sigh. She glanced down at the midnight blue haired girl on the court and sat beside her. "I give up," Hinata murmured.

A small smile touched her lips as she watched her. "Gai-sensei is a real slave driver," she said. Both girls stared at each other before they both started laughing.

"This is no time for breaks," said their teacher with his busy eyebrows.

"But I can't go any further," Ino whined looking up at him.

"Come on guys..." Tenten cheered, but the fighting spirit fled from her as everyone else in the class glared at her. "...shutting up now."

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