Involuntary Misfortune [5]

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"What are you doing here?"

The brown haired boy smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Long story."

"We're dying to hear it," Neji interjected while Hanabi giggled.

Konohamaru took the young Hyūga's hand and turned to both Hinata and Neji. "Well...we got married."

It was as though time stopped and their world crumbled. Neither had thought of the possibility of this happening, it was simply inconceivable. Married? At such a young age? Had the disease caused this? What stage was it at in Kyoto?

So many questions raced through both their minds as they stared at their little sister. "H-how...why?" Was all Hinata could utter.

"Hanabi—" Neji started but he was cut off by their sudden burst of laughter. "Nani?"

Konohamaru released her hand just then, "I'm kidding!"

Neji fumed, but before he could say anything Hinata's hand rested on his shoulder. He glanced at her and she offered him a close eyed smile as an indication to calm down. He sighed and faced forward once more, "then why are you here?"

"Konohamaru is going to stay with Kurenai," Hanabi answered.

"Who?" Neji asked confused.

"She's Asuma's wife," the brunette smiled.

Hinata froze, "Asuma—"

"Yeah..." Konohamaru started scratching the back of his head. "He's my uncle."

"Gomen," the lavender eyed beauty whispered. There was a moment of silence between them in respect of Asuma's death.

Konohamaru sighed, "it's okay. So now I'll be helping her."

"That's good," Neji added.

He smiled, but that smile soon fell before he asked a question. "Where's Naruto?"

"At home."

He frowned, "I was hoping to see him again."

Hinata smiled, "well you can always visit."

"Trust me nee-san," Hanabi looked at now smiling boy. "He plans to."

Konohamaru blushed and looked at his watch, "I should get going, I'm supposed to meet up with her."

"We could escort you," Hinata offered.

"No, it's okay," he grinned. "Well goodbye!"

"Bye! Visit soon!" Hanabi called after him as he started jugging towards his destination with his luggage.

"I will," he grinned, turning and waving a hand. But his grin turned into a frown as soon as he crashed into something hard. "Ouch," he whispered staggering back a bit.

"Watch where you're going kid," his attacker hissed.

"No need to be rude," Konohamaru retorted looking up at him. He wore black boots along with a black trench coat. His hands shoved into its pockets; he loomed over the boy. Finally his eyes scanned his face, his skin was light blue in colour, in contrast with his navy blue hair. He had small eyes with something similar to gills beneath them, set above a straight nose and a deep frown.

He huffed and continued on his merry way. The brown haired boy sighed and started moving towards his destination again. Konoha has the strangest people, he thought. It wasn't long before he found who he was looking for. He was prepared to smile and wave before getting closer, but his eyes widened when he saw her.

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