Involuntary Misfortune [11]

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"Thanks for coming in," Shizune said as soon as she saw Sakura.

The pinkette smiled and pulled on her lab coat, "no problem, I'm always willing to help out."

She offered her a small smile and a curt nod before rushing out of the room. Sakura sighed and picked up the clipboard with her list of duties. She was actually glad when Dr. Shizune called her after school asking her to come in. They were short on staff and she had nothing better to do. Sasuke wouldn't be home until much later and she didn't want to be alone in that house.

Taking a deep breath she read her first assignment. "Restocking first aid cabinets." Straightening her shoulders she took up the big red bag filled with the supplies she needed and left the room.

The pinkette was greeted by doctors and nurses as she walked down the scantily filled hallway. The first room she entered was empty to her relief. Quickly marching towards the cabinet to the far corner she began her work.

After a while she found herself on the maternity ward. "Oh my God," she heard a gasp followed by a squeal. Sakura turned quickly to see a brown haired girl standing outside the nursery with, who she presumed was her husband by her side.

"Where is she?" He asked placing both hands on the glass that separated them from the babies.

"There," she responded pointing to one of the many babies in the room. As soon as his eyes located the newborn his entire face lit up.

The jade green eyed girl turned away, tightening her hold on the strap of the bag she proceeded to complete her duties. Would she ever get the pleasure of having such moments with Sasuke? Or would he always be busy? With a sigh, she shook her head and tried to stay focused. She could think about her situation with Sasuke later, right now just wasn't the time.


Nagato scanned the living room and was relieved to see that no one was there. Quickly he went out on the balcony and closed the glass door. Rubbing his hands together he hissed before withdrawing his phone from his pocket.

He wasn't sure where Konan and Yuu had gone, but he was grateful for the privacy. Pressing the number four on his keypad the speed dial was activated and he waited for the person to pick up.

"What do you want?" He answered in an irritated tone.

The red head chuckled, "bad timing?"

"Yes actually. Midori and I were about to have dinner," he responded.

"Then I'll be quick," Nagato smiled. Taking hold of the cold metal railing he took a deep breath, "well, Konan and Yahiko's birthday is coming up and I want to throw them a party..."

The sound of Sasori shuffling around the house could be heard. "So?"

" your house," he finished.

"Go wash up for dinner," he said addressing his daughter. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Your house is perfect. There's sufficient space and-"


Nagato sighed and looked over at the bustling city. "They need this."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, "fine. But I want everyone out of my house by twelve."

"Done. Oh and don't tell either of them," the pale man instructed.

Involuntary MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now