Involuntary Misfortune [9]

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"Well isn't this a nice surprise?" Sasori smiled leaning against the doorjamb. He crimson eyes pierced through his visitor's façade as though it was translucent. What wasted efforts.

The pinkette offered him a small smile as she shrugged slightly waiting to be invited inside. "It's good to see you too Sasori."

He chuckled and pulled her inside, "you'll catch a cold and then that husband of yours will have my head." The jade green eyed girl giggled while taking off her parka. It was warm inside much to her delight. Her red haired friend took it from her and hung it inside the linen closet. Rubbing her hands together she basked in the warm air that was now surrounding her. "So why are you here Kiddo?"

Sakura looked around the hallway in which they stood. Nothing had changed much to her disbelief. She hadn't been to Sasori's house in years and yet...everything remained that same. The same off white walls that seem to never fade given the years that have gone by. The same pictures hung in antique picture frames that lined the walls, paving the way towards the living room and beyond. It was all the same.

"Can't I come visit my friend once in a while?" She asked flashing him an innocent smile.

He shrugged and shoved pale hands into his pockets before rocking back on his heels. "It's just...not like you."

She sighed and looked at her feet, "Sasuke's at work and...Ino's busy with Sai and his brother. Naruto is at his God father's gets a bit lonely."

He gave her a curt nod indicating his understanding of the situation. "Well, feel free to visit any time. We could use some company."

"We?" She asked raising an eyebrow out of both curiosity and confusion. The red head flashed her a toothy smile before beaconing her to follow him with the moving of his head. The pink haired girl walked cautiously behind him, not sure of what he was going to present to her.

Had he gotten a girlfriend?

Maybe, however she'd just have to wait and see. Finally they ended up upstairs before a plain, white door. Without hesitation Sasori turned the doorknob slowly and placed a finger over his lips. The pink haired girl nodded and followed him inside.

It was dimly lit, the only thing illuminating the child like room was the streams of sunlight that peeked in through the almost closed curtains and the nightlight that gave off a dull glow. Her jade green eyes narrowed at the small lump positioned in the middle of the bed. However from the way it rose and fell in a static pattern she could infer that it was a person.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Sakura decided to get a closer look. However the first step she took resulted in her almost tripping over a doll on the ground.

"Careful," Sasori whispered. Confused she glanced at all the scattered toys located on the carpeted floor. Looking back at her red haired friend she realized that he was smiling. "She's a late sleeper. Though I'll probably have to wake her soon."


"Midori," he stated casually. "My daughter."


Once Naruto was done helping Jiraiya he sat with Hinata for a little while just watching the snow as it fell from the cloudless sky. It was peaceful, quiet and most of all relaxing. Although they sat in silence it was far from awkward, they both needed to unwind and take a step back to reflect on all that had happened and to plan for what was to come.

"Hinata," Naruto started placing his palms on the wooden floor on which he sat cross legged. Leaning back a bit he untangled his legs, swinging them over the edge.

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