chapter 40

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Assalamualaikum dearest readers, I'm so sorry for the long wait, I have been very busy and that is why I have been unable to update. I hope this chapter makes up for the long wait. P'S IGNORE ANY MISTAKES PLEASE, I WANTED TO GET THE CHAPTER UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO UPDATE. ENJOY!


Queen Noorah ran through the forests as fast as her legs could carry her. She had been kept prisoner in that room and has not been able to move like other people. She had lost all hope of ever escaping until she had found the small hole. She had also refused food and only drank water and ate a few dates to stay alive. However, after her little discovery, she had began to eat more, walk around her room a lot and had hidden one spoon to use for broadening the hole.

For several months, she had continued to open up the hole more,straightening the spoon when it had bent and using the lemon that was brought along with her grilled fish every Thursday as dinner to clean and treat the cuts she sustained. Funny how Beig had kept her prisoner and had yet fed her well.

She made sure to increase the pace of her walking and always moved very fast, fast enough for her age around her room until she felt her legs begin to go numb. Then she would rest and resume when she was better. She had also found a small bag in the room and when she had made up her mind that it was almost time to escape, she had began to hide apples and bread that would be enough to keep her from getting hungry while she was on the run.

When the day for the escape had approached, she had learnt that Fazil was out of the palace and out of Boa and her heart had soared with joy. Allah had made things easier for her without the evil man's presence to ruin things. Now,all she had to do was quietly leave so as not to attract the attention of the guards outside her room.

After making sure her door was locked, for the evil man loved to lock her up and only the maid who brought food for her had a spare key to open the door, keep her food and then return to take it back. She prayed to Allah to help her escape unnoticed and quickly made her way through the whole which was darker than her room but bright enough for her to see her way through. As soon as she got in, she ran with all of the strength she could muster, aware that this was her only chance of escape for if she was caught, she would never be able to escape again.

She ran and ran until she had gotten outside and into the forest and she did not stop despite the cuts from the sharp edges of branches and stones that bruised her hands and feet. She only had one goal and it was to get to her Imran and their daughter liyyah.

Soon, she came to what looked like a small clan and she noticed about fifty tents and also saw that there were women catering for their children,some cooking while the men went about their daily work.

She had not realised she was crying until one of the women, amongst a group who had noticed her, came to her and put a hand on her shoulder gently, concern and uncertainty on her face.

"Sayyidati, are you alright? Is everything alright?"

To the woman's surprise, Noorah burst into tears and pulled her close, hugging her and crying harder. The rest of the women in the group hurried to her to console her for although they did not know where she was from or why she was crying, they felt her sorrow for as it was said, only a woman understood another woman's pain. They led her to where the rest of the people were and soon everyone gathered. An old man and a woman of almost his age walked towards her as everyone made way for them. The man held a walking stick on one hand and held the woman's hand with his other. From the way they held each other, it looked as though she was his wife and from the way people made way for them,it looked as though they were the heads of the clan.

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