08 - Promise

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Newt and Thomas made there way to one of the bunk beds. Thomas climbed on top and Newt stayed at the bottom. Minho was already in a bed, so I went to the one above him. A deafening silence fell throughout the room. This silence was calming and alarming at the same time. I've gotten so used to danger around every corner that when all of that is gone for one moment, I don't know what to do with myself. All I had right now were my own thoughts. 

I had many more memories then I did 24 hours ago. I just wish I would have remembered my first Maze when I was with Group B because those nightmares I had wouldn't have bothered me as much. Plus, I wouldn't have been as terrified. One memory I didn't recall having before was when I was banished. I knew I wasn't killed, but I didn't know I was saved. I now knew WICKED extracted me from the Maze to make sure I didn't get killed. That was when I first met Rat Man after my memories were taken away. So, I've actually had them taken away four times if you count when I got knocked out during my third trial. 

It occurred to me that I didn't know anyone else's third trials except for Thomas'. I knew everyone was trying to sleep, but curiosity over took me. "Is anyone still awake?" I whispered. 

"I am," Minho answered from below me. I smiled before crawling down from my bunk. 

I tapped his arm. "Scoot over." Minho did as I said and I crawled under the blankets next to him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked me. 

I stared up at the bed above us and nodded even though he couldn't see it. "Yeah, I am. I just wanted to ask you something." 

"What did you want to ask?" Minho's voice was groggy and I could tell he was exhausted. I knew he wouldn't go to sleep now until I was done talking to him. 

"Well, what happened to you during the third trial?" 

It was only quiet for a moment, but that moment seemed like forever. I couldn't tell if what he was about to say was good or bad so the waiting was killing me. 

Finally, he spoke. "This guy named Lincoln wrote eight names on a board. He wrote Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Aris, Harriet, Teresa, Brenda, and... and Anne." Minho stayed quiet again, almost waiting for me to respond. When I didn't, he continued. "I was supposed to choose one to save from having their brain tested and studied. I couldn't just pick one of you guys, I couldn't shucking do it. So I ended up picking all of you. Lincoln didn't like it so that slinthead started to beat me up until I chose. To try to make him get off me I picked myself. He wouldn't take my life in exchange for all of yours. So he kept on beating the living klunk out of me. Eventually he gave up on trying to make me choose and let me go." 

His trial was so similar to mine, it was crazy. The one major difference was that he had to choose someone to live, and I had to choose someone to die. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Minho quietly. 

He sighed. "I have a few bruises, but other than that I am." 

"I didn't mean physically."

He stayed quiet and I knew that meant he didn't want to answer. It broke my heart that the person who I thought was the strongest person here was silently suffering. I scooted closer to him so that our bodies were touching. Minho then took my hand in is. 

To change the subject Minho asked what happened to me in Phase Three. I explained it all to him in detail. From the part where I was dragged away from the bathroom, to when I got some of my memories back.

"How did you do that?" he asked. "It would have taken everything I had to pick you to die."

"I know. But this was before I remembered you and you told me to pick you. I knew you were going to die and I didn't want everyone else to die too because of me. I wouldn't have been able to handle all of those deaths too."

"You really thought I was dead?"

Tears started to stream down my face as I recalled those moments. "Yes," I answered, my voice cracking. "I thought they had killed you. I thought they had killed the love of my life." 

Suddenly Minho's arms wrapped around me as I began to cry harder. 

"I'm not dead, Anne. I'm still here. They will not get rid of me that easily."

"Promise you won't leave me," I cried. "Please don't leave me. I need you so much." 

Minho's arms tightened around me and his face pressed into the top of my head. I felt small wet spots fall onto my scalp before they stopped when Minho took in a deep breath. 

"I promise I will never leave you.  We're together 'till end, Anne. We'll live together then we'll die together. All of it, we'll do together."

A small smile formed on my face before I snuggled up next to him. "Can you promise me something else?"

"What else?" he questioned. 

"Do you promise you'll wait for me. No matter what happens will you wait for me?"

Minho kissed my forehead and wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks. 




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Eternal Madness || The Death Cure || MinhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon