10 - Sheep

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Thomas was the first to act. He swung his elbow back, hitting the guard in the face. As soon he connected the rest of us began to fight. I went after one of the male guards, his face filled with confusion. I immediately tackled him to the ground. He let out a low grunt after the wind got knocked out of him. I began punching his face but it only took him a few seconds to come at me with full force. The guard quickly threw my body off him, which caused me to slam my head against the hard, tile ground. The man then straddled me so there was no way I was getting up. 

After a few seconds of struggling the rest of the hallway became quiet. "Give me the word!" the female guard said. "A.D. Janson, give me the word! I'll fry his brain." 

I didn't know who she was talking about because the big man on top of me was blocking the view. I became nervous at the thought of a Launcher pressed up against Minho's head. 

"What are you people thinking!" Janson yelled angrily.  "You really think four... children  can overpower five armed guards? You kids are supposed to be geniuses, not idiotic... delusional rebels. Maybe the Flare has taken your minds after all. 

"Shut up!" Newt screamed. "Just shut your-" 

Words no longer came out of Newt's mouth. They became muffled ans suppressed. He had every right to be angry because I was too. When Rat Man spoke those words he over stepped his boundaries. I would've yelled at him too, but I didn't feel like getting crushed even more. 

"Get them up!" Janson barked. "Get them up!"

The guard rolled off me and wasted no time yanking me up with him. He held onto my arm to tightly that I could feel his fingernails digging into my skin. He then shoved me forward which resulted in me crashing into Thomas. When I regained my composer I noticed that all the guards were pointing launcher directly at our faces. I felt like I was a sheep being herded into a pen. A pen that we would be stuck in for the rest of our miserable lives. 

Looked over at Janson who's face was red with rage. "Completely ridiculous! We absolutely will not  allow this to happen again." 

Suddenly, Thomas spoke. "I was just a kid," he said. 

It took me a few seconds to register the words that came out of his mouth. A wave of confusion washed over me as I looked at the brown eyed boy. I tore my eyed off him to see that Janson was just as confused as I was. 

"Excuse me?" Rat Man asked. 

Thomas became tense and narrowed his eyes at the man. "I was a kid. They brainwashed me me into doing those things- into helping." 

Janson's face wasn't red anymore, but I could tell he was forcing himself to remain calm. "I wasn't there in the beginning. But you yourself approved me for this job after the original founders were purged. And you should know, I've never seen someone, child or adult, as driven as you were." The Janson smiled. He smiled and it made me want to throw up. 

"I don't care what you-" Thomas began to say, but was cut off by Rat Man. 

"Enough! We'll do him first." He gestured at one of the guards. "Get a nurse down here. Brenda's inside- she's been insisting that she wants to help. Maybe he'll be easier to deal with if she's the technician working with him. Take the others to the waiting room- I'd like to do them one at a time. I need to go check on another matter. I'll meet you there." 

Janson began walking away but my reason for being worried was at an all time high. Thomas began screaming as they dragged him away from us. Newt, Minho, and I were then herded again into another room. It seemed as if the big bad wolf was getting his way. 


The room the three of us were in had multiple chairs lining the wall. The room was an off white and had pictures of birds hanging around. The fact that they were trying to make this place look somewhat calming made me feel uneasy. 

We all sat as far away from the two guards as possible as they lingered near the one exit. I was in the chair that was between Minho and Newt. I took turns looking at each of them, trying to come up with a reason to why I would want to hurt them when I worked for WICKED. No matter how hard I tried the only thing I could think of was that I was a bad person. I guess it didn't really matter that I had no clue why I did it because I was going to find out weather I liked it or not. 

"This is a bunch of klunk," Minho whispered while eyeing the guards. 

"Our whole  lives have been a bunch of klunk," Newt said, shaking his head. 

I closed my eyes tightly and rubbed my hands over my face. "Guys, what are we going to do?" I asked. "'Cause right now our chances of escaping are slim to none."

Minho sighed and grabbed my hand. "We'll do what ever we can. If that means getting our shucking memories back, so be it. But we will get out of here. Like I said last night, we'll do it together." 

"Are you sure? I don't see any light at the end of this tunnel, Minho."

"I'm sure. I'm always right aren't I?"

Newt scoffed. "You wish."

I chuckled before my attention was drawn towards the door. Janson entered without saying a word. The only thing he did was look at us for a brief moment before sitting down directly in front of the exit. Not long after, Thomas and Brenda rushed through the door, guns blazing. 

"'Bout bloody time," Newt said with a sly grin. 


I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

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