"I'm not!" I huffed and kept struggling. "Just let me get it out of my eyes, it burning."

"Fine." Diego handed me a towel and I cleared my eyes. A thought popped into my head and I smirked.

"Thanks." I said holding out the towel for him to take. Diego stepped closer to grab the towel and at the same time I through my head back and soaked him with water from my hair.


I laughed and laughed thinking it was hilarious to see Diego sopping wet with bubbles covering him, however he didn't.

"Oh lighten up!" I grinned cupping water in my palm and splashing him with it. Diego lunged for me with a smile on his face but I was quick and ran around the other side of the bath. Diego leapt up the steps put one foot in the bath and jumped out on the other side leaving a big puddle of water on the floor. We chased each other around the bathroom running in and out of the bath splashing water at each other until we were both soaked, and so was the bathroom. I jumped into the bath and used both my hands to soak Diego with my attempt at making a tidal wave. We were both laughing as he jumped into the bath making a huge splash. I climbed out and went to run around the bath but I lost my footing on a patch of water and crashed into the glass cupboard sending it down onto the floor as the glass smashed and scattered everywhere. I'd only managed to roll out of the way of it in time but I could feel sore patches over the backs of my legs from where shards of glass had cut into me. It didn't hurt too badly and the cabinet mainly smashed into large chunks of glass.

I looked up and made eye contact with Diego who had his mouth open and was staring at horror of the glass and at me. 

"Are you okay?" He gasped standing up.

I nodded. "Do you think they heard?"

"I can hear them coming up here now."

I swallowed and looked around at the mess regretfully. The door was flung open a second later and Daddy and Amias looked around in shock.

"Oh my God, Atlas, don't move." Daddy said.

"I'm not hurt badly, I-I'm okay."

"Like hell you're okay." Daddy said crouching down. He held out his palm and was able to push the glass shards away from me using wind to create a path for him to get to me. Our Kingdoms' element is air and all members of the royal family have the power to use air whenever they wish. In battles, or in situations like this. Although this is the first time something like this has happened. That's why Diego could hit Daz with fire that day they fought, because the Indian Ocean has the element of fire.

Once the path was clear Daddy walked towards me and inspected the little injuries from the glass.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked.

I shook my head and Daddy picked me up, careful to not touch anywhere I had glass stuck in me. He cleared a path for Diego to get out and Amias grabbed him by the ear and pulled him off somewhere to tell him off I suppose.

"Daddy I-"

"Not now." He said coming into the kitchen and set me down on the counter top. "Lie on your front." He told me sternly and grabbed the medical kit from one of the cupboards. I turned on my front and looked lifted my legs up so I could see the damage done. It wasn't that bad and only a few pieces were stuck in my leg and had left a trail of blood that trickled down to my ankle. It stung as Daddy pulled the glass out and cleaned the cuts. Mum came home in the middle of it and gasped at the sight of me.

"Oh darling," He said running over and holding my hand. However after Daddy told him what happened he wasn't at all annoyed only worried that I got hurt. My Dad didn't see it that way though. Once I was patched up I was sent upstairs to clean up the mess. Diego stood in the doorway to the bathroom with an armful to towels and gave me a sheepish smile and asked if I was okay. Daddy cleaned the glass away himself as he didn't trust me to not get hurt. Plus he would never put me in a place where I could get hurt.

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