Chapter 8

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The closer we got to the loud music, the more reservations I had about what I was about to do. The humans in there scared me enough alone, (even though Daz had said there would only be a few and the rest would be our kind) and not to mention all the others that would be in there. The Merpeople who left their Kingdoms had to be strong to survive without the protection, and if I'd seen bigger men than Daz on his island, what would the others be like?

"D-Daz, look...maybe this is a really bad idea, i-if my Dad finds out he'll be really angry." I stressed, trying to halt Daz by pulling on his arm.

The wind was strong the trees were swaying around us. The path we were on gave off a creepy vibe and I didn't feel very secure here. I've never wanted to be home more than in this moment.

"Calm down it'll be alright." Daz said pulling me forward.

"Daddy will be mad." I mumbled to myself shuffling behind Daz. Even though my Dad and I weren't on the best of terms since he decided to he was going to be the one who picked my future mate, I still worried about disobeying him.

"Atlas you don't have to be so obedient all the time. You wouldn't do anything if you listened to everything your Dad says. You would have never met me."

"He just wants to protect me...that's all."

"Atlas," Daz said stopping and pulling me into his chest. "I can feel how scared you are. You're emotions are so strong, baby. I'm sorry; maybe I'm pushing you too hard too soon."

I sighed and cuddled into Daz, seeking the comfort he can always give me.

"We can go back to my island and do what we normally do, little one. I just thought you might enjoy it here and it would be a new experience for you, to help with your shyness."

"I-I'm worried Daz. Whenever I go outside of the Palace, I get lots of attention because of what I look like. Usually the boys won't do anything because they know who I am, but nobody in there will know." I whimpered clinging to Daz.

"Atlas," Daz chuckled. "I thought you wanted this? You'll get to see a human."

"I-I do." I sighed and covered my face, feeling my shoulders sag. "I'm sorry."

"No need to be, Angel. I understand." He smiled wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into his side. "Everyone will know you're mine - so don't worry."


My eyes were darting everywhere, taking in the different Merpeople and all the huge men who were dressed similarly to Daz, watching over the people dancing. And when I say huge, I mean it! Big muscles you only see on the Kingdom's warriors, most had tattoos up their arms or on their chests and when one looked at me – his intense stare made my eyes go wide and I darted behind Daz.

"Who have you got there, Daz?" A booming voice shouted over the music.

I peeked out from behind Daz, and every one of the men was looking our way – all with big smirks on their faces.

Daz squeezed me into his side and gave me a reassuring smile. "They're not that scary once you get to know them."

I nodded unconvinced and took a deep breath as we walked over to the group.

"This is Atlas." Daz said, introducing me to the group.

They all nodded to me in acknowledgement as their eyes roamed me.

"You sure he's a boy?" One chuckled making me look at the floor and lean into Daz who put a protective arm around me.

"Don't tease the poor thing; he's like a lamb in the lion's den." The biggest man said as he reached for me.

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