Chapter 12

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The room was tense and quiet. Daddy looked furious, Mum looked worried and Diego looked like he felt sorry for me.

"Diego, please leave." Daddy said with his arms folded and eyes still directed on me.

"Yes Sir." He nodded and hurried away. A minute passed and I sat down slowly and tried to make myself appear as small as possible. My pale pink hair fell around my face offering more cover to hide behind.

"Who made you do this to your hair?"

"It was me."

"Atlas!" Daddy boomed making me jump. "Enough with the lying young man, that in your hair is the work of humans and by God you wouldn't set foot on human territory so tell me who did it!" He yelled.

"M-Me an-and Lily did." I whispered.

"And I expect she mixed with the humans to trade for the poison that turned your hair pink?!" He growled. "Well I'll be going round to talk to her parents this evening. She has only been around you for a few hours," He sighed. "I think you two are going to need a break from being friends."

"What?!" I cried looking up at him.

"Caspian, you can't start deciding who Atlas is and isn't friends with." My Mum said walking over to him and uncleaning his fist. "I love him as much as you and I hate to see Atlas get into trouble but he is a good boy. He's only ever made us proud." Mum walked over to me and cuddled me into his chest. "He's our youngest baby and as much as you want to protect him from everything in the ocean and getting into trouble," My mum leaned back and smiled at me. "You can't do everything for them."

"Jonah," My Dad sighed walking over to his mate and nuzzling his hair. "You always bring reason to everything. And that's what I love about you." My parents started kissing and I took that as my cue to get out of there so I whizzed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Diego's room.

I opened the door and walked in and flopped down on the bed. "Does it look bad?"

"Honest opinion?"

"Yes." I hissed glaring at him.

"Whoa Atlas calm down." I rolled my eyes and stayed face down on the bed. "It doesn't look bad, bad but it looked better before."

I tugged on my stupid pink hair and started to tear up.

"Atlas, don't cry. I'll help you wash it out, just don't cry." Diego pleaded patting my back awkwardly to try and comfort me. "Come on; let's try to wash it out."

"I wasn't crying." I mumbled following him into his bathroom.

"Right, errm," Diego looked around the room and went to the cupboard and pulled out some bottles of shampoo. "We'll try all of them and see what happens."

"Okay." I sighed kneeling on one of the steps up into the bath and I dunked my hair in the water. Diego squeezed out a dollop of shampoo into my palm and I got to work massaging it into my scalp to try and rid the colour whilst Diego worked on the ends of my hair.

"I think its working! Some of the pink stuff is coming out." He said after a few minutes.

"Really?!" I asked and looked at my soapy hands to see the white foam had a slight pink tint to it.

"Keep scrubbing, it may not all come out but it might dull the colour." We kept at my hair until my neck, hands and arms hurt and then Diego told me to keep still and put my head over the bath so he could rinse it out.

"Oww! Stop, there's soap in my eyes." I whined hitting Diego away from me.

"Atlas just let me do this stop being a baby."

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