thirteen ; because of you

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I smiled at Tyler's ridiculousness, nodding simply, allowing him to rumble on.

"See, Ty is an awkward fluff ball," I said while he was still rumbling. "He didn't mean to almost kill Bella. He likes Bella- he wants to go to prom with her cuz he's in looove with Bella."

"--And, I mean, you're really-- Wait, what?" he finally processed my words. "I'm not in love with Bella, and I'm with Lauren, so please don't mention anything around her about the whole prom thing-- she's pissed at me as it is for the fact I'm blowing her off for you."

"Dump her!" I cheered happily, while the three walked off to the kitchen.

"I'm not gonna dump her," Tyler looked at me like an idiot. "Lauren is like the hottest girl in school, after you and Bella and Rosalie Hale, and maybe Alice Cullen. Not in this particular order, but yes. She's super hot and super easy when she's single."

"If you're happy," I shrugged, turning to look at Troy Bolton again.  I sighed dreamily as Troy kept looking back to Gabriella in the first class. "Troy is so hot."

"Zac." Tyler corrected, "Zac Efron."

"Troy- Troy Bolton," I insisted.

"Whatever weirdo, move over," he ordered, laying his head in my lap and shifting so he could still watch the movie.

He loved Troy too.

That was an ideal Saturday night, watching Disney movies with my best friend and napping. I was half asleep still, when the front door slammed. Both me and Tyler jumped in fright, confused at my surroundings. 

"What--" I spluttered just barely when I heard Charlie asking Bella if she was alright.

Troy and Gabriella were standing on the balcony in the performance, singing I Just Wanna Be With You, which meant the two of us missed a lot while sleeping, as this was at the third, and I could remember falling asleep somewhere after What Time is It in the beginning of the second movie.

"Bella, come on, let's talk about it," Charlie begged. "Did he do something? Did Edward do something?"

"What's going on, Ash?" Tyler questioned groggily.

"I've got no idea," I stated worriedly, gently pushing Tyler's head away from me, standing up. I quickly raced up the stairs, standing next to dad.

"Did he hurt you?" His tone edged toward anger as he leant against his door.

"No!" Bella screamed, her voice shaky and higher than usual.

  "Did he break up with you?" Charlie was perplexed. 


"Bells, what's wrong?" I asked softly, knocking and attempting to open the door.

"Stop pretending to care Ashley!" she snapped. "You never did, so stop acting like a saint at times like these!"

"What, Bella--"

"Bella, what happened?" Charlie shouted through the door, pounding again.

"I broke up with him!" I furrowed my eyebrows. If she broke up with him, why was she so upset? 

She unlocked the door and pushed between the two of us roughly, struggling with the heavy bag as she ran down the stairs, us in her tracks.

"What happened?" he yelled. "I thought you liked him."

He caught her elbow in the kitchen. Though he was still bewildered, his grip was firm.

He spun her around to look at him, and I could see in his face that he had no intention of letting her leave. I could see in Bella's face that every step hurt her heart.

Why would she leave then?

"I do like him - that's the problem. I can't do this anymore! I can't put down any more roots here! I don't want to end up trapped in this stupid, boring town like Mom! I'm not going to make the same dumb mistake she did. I hate it - I can't stay here another minute!" His hand dropped from her arm like she'd electrocuted him. I turned away from his shocked, wounded face and headed after Bella, towards the door.

"Bella--" I tried, but she cut me off.

"I'm serious, Ashley," she glared at me. With Charlie you could see remorse when she spoke, but as she looked at me I saw nothing but hatred. "Stop being everywhere, I'm sick of you. I need to get away from here, away from you. I wish you'd just disappear already."

I stared at her for a moment, face blank.

"Go on then. Run away like the coward you are," I whispered with malice, eyes narrowed. The best defense is offence. "I'm a survivor, but you? You're a coward," I shrugged, feigning calmness. "I bet we'd have much better time here without you."

I twirled around, going straight to the fridge and taking out a cold pizza.

"Bells, you can't leave now. It's nighttime," Charlie whispered behind me.

"I'll sleep in the truck if I get tired."

"Just wait another week," he pled, still shell-shocked. "Renée will be back by then."


Charlie continued eagerly, "She called while you were out. Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop."

"She's got a key," I stated coldly, looking at the fridge and blinking away tears.

"Just let me go, Charlie." Those words made me turn to look at them; now that was a low blow. Those were the words our mother used when she left dad all those years ago. "It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!"

And as the door snapped shut, just before scrambling upstairs, I made myself mutter one last thing.

 "Good riddance."

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