We Meet Again, My Love

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Ayato felt a great surge of relief wash over his senses, his knees felt weak and his heart raced painfully in his chest.

"(Y/N)..." He ran forward, not caring about anyone who was watching, not giving a crap about the two unknown strangers and if they were dangerous or not. All that mattered to him at that very moment, was you. All that mattered to him all his life was you.

He pulled you out of the strangers arms and into his own. He fell to his knees as he cradled you gently. Ayato placed his finger under your nose and was glad that you were still breathing, though you showed no signs of waking up.

"(Y/N)," he said, shaking your body gently, "(Y/N) wake up..."
You opened your eyes to see darkness all around. It was pitch black, it was suffocating. You couldn't hear anything either. It felt like you were trapped and had no way out.

"(Y/N)..." A voice echoed softly, you knew that voice. It was so familiar but you couldn't put your finger on who it was. "(Y/N) wake up..." The voice gradually got louder. "(Y/N) please wake up!" The voice was now shouting at you, but not in a fierce way, it was desperate and needy. "(Y/N), don't do this to me, please... I need you..."


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