Welcome Back Investigator

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Attention all investigators within the vicinity of the Cochlea, prepare for battle and report immediately...
A ghoul has infiltrated and is attempting to free the Daughter ghoul...
Estimated to be rank S and above...
Ghoul has been confirmed to be supposedly deceased Arachnid ghoul...
Your heart raced maniacally as you fought your way through the front lines. Your kagune was swift and extremely silent as you manoeuvred them effortlessly to tear apart all the investigators.

They weren't weak, the strong ones just hadn't arrived yet.

You recalled Hinami's cell number from back when you were still an investigator and made your way there as quickly as possible.
You found yourself able to spot her cell number from a distance away and felt hopeful only for that hope to be crushed cruelly when familiar faces appeared in front of you.

"Good evening," said Haise Sasaki, "and welcome back, First Class Investigator (Y/N) (L/N)."

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