Thoughts #4

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Music,music,music,music!i always wanted to write a piece of music,but I'm not sure how too.i have written a piece of music for my YouTube didn't exactly fit,and it was...terrible.i think I still have it.maybe,I'm might have delete thing as artists is when we are talking to someone about something serious,and music pops into our're like:oh,yeah,I wonder I say this,or if I put a sick beat there.Of course,I'm both inspired and aspire by music,so I feel like I have a better advantage than anyone not sure where I was going with this.not even sure if even relates to the topic.i do have something to say,and that is I might be going to collage.I always wanted to go to collage to be smart,meet people,and find out how the hell do people do not saying collage is immediate success,but you sure will grow in college.Now,collage isn't for everyone,but it is for me because who know what the fuck I'm doing.I couldn't sleep today possibly all the sugar I eat and drink.i thought maybe it has something to do on my mind.i told someone about my suicide yes,I did try it don't make mistakes like me,and I feel relieved.i not sure about the other guy though I'm probably scare my own hero,and nobody is going to take that from me NOBODY!i may have been weak,but that was the old me who was depressed,fragmented,and felt isolated from society.This me,the present,is a lot better.he is strong,clear,and fully believes in himself with fierce power.Yes,I can be cyanide about heavy issue especially about attempting suicide,but that just me making fun of it because I know better it won't and will never happen again.Maybe the world put me here for a reason.its probably a bad one because my karma always turn again me.yeah,cyanide & happiness is what.people need to learn how negative work,and use it as works,I hope it work for everyone.somewhere,I will reveal my temptation.

1:22 am 04/03/16

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