Chapter 26 - No Title

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Megan's POV

I felt bad for ruining our date. But he still insist me its not my fault. What if he ask me whose that guy? am I ready to tell him? Well I think? Hopefully nothing bad could happen again.

I like Harry. But I don't know if I can have another relationship. But I think I'm ready. It's been years now. Wait. Megan stop it! he probably feel bad about my past. He doesn't even know any of it. Except my dad is sick.

He never push me to answer his questions, He always make me smile and laugh in his corny jokes. He always make me feel special. And I think, That I could trust him with my past.

"Megan we're here." Harry smiled.

I smiled back and He opened the door for me. He got at his trunk and grabbed a picnic basket. "I decided to have our date in the park." He smiled.

"That's sweet Harry." I grinned.

"Just trying to impress you."

We walked toward the field near the river. And its a perfect spot. 'cause the sun is setting.

We ate the grilled cheese that Harry made. He also bring us some apple juice. He really knows my favorite drink. We talked about random stuffs, Laughing with know reasons.

"So tell me, who is that lad came there?" He looked at me.

"Well that's the guy, who pretty much my first love. His name is, Adam." I started. I looked at Harry and he nod me to go on.

"When I was 15, I always get bullied, I have no friends. Then his a new transfer. A little older than me. He always talk to me and we became friends. Weeks flew by I grow feelings to him, and he said he did too. Then we dated. After a month, He took me out in a date. More like party. We got in a club and I'm under age but he is legal. He said hateful things about me. I thought its just the alcohol talking. The next, I came to his flat and saw him in the couch with beers around him. He looked so pissed and drunk. He started yelling at me, then there is something unexpected happened..." I sniffle quietly. And Harry grabbed my hand and squeeze it.

"He slapped me, its so hard I fell on the ground, then he started kicking me on my stomach. He grabbed my hair. And told me, if I ever tell anyone or my parents. He will kill me and my family. I care a lot to my family and agreed. The next few months. He still beat me. My parents never see the Cuts and bruises. but they know something was wrong. Then one time. I got home all Adam said sunk in me. So I got in my bathroom and grabbed the razor from my cabinet..." I took of my bracelets and they're are few scars.

"I started cutting myself, I can't help it. That is the only escape I feel. Then weeks flew by. My parents caught me cutting. So they bring me to the hospital. And they saw all the cuts and bruises. Then I slipped. I told everything to my parents. Then when we checked out. The police came to his flat to arrest him. turns out his been doing drugs. I was so happy his out of my life. Then one day I greeted my mum outside. And I saw him he was pointing the gun to my mum. as soon as he pulled the trigger I blocked my mum and it hit me in my back..."

"They bring me to the hospital and, they quickly took of the Bullet. They said I already died in a minute. but I lived. Adam got out in jail to kill me. But the police knows his hideout and he got back behind bars. Then I don't know why his back."

"Megan, I'm so sorry. I didn't know all those things happened to the most beautiful girl I ever seen." he rub his hand my cheek.

"Well the cutting never stopped. Because of my father..." I said.



Hahaha clifhanger.

I'll update soon. Bye


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