Chapter 4 - New Friend

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Megan's Pov

I'm with my father, having a great time.

While walking around the mall his phone rang and he answered " you mean now?....okay.....I'll be there bye." He hung up "honey I need to go at the office to fix the, papers." He said "it's okay maybe I'll stay here a little while, I want to shop and stuff." I said "are you sure?" My dad asked "yes I will be fine,and now go, you don't wanna be late,I'll see you home later." I said "okay,call me if you need something, bye I love you." He said "I love you too dad, take care." I said and hugged him "I will." And we pulled away and he left.

Walking and shopping, for hours and I bought a few clothes but I got tired and my head feels dizzy, I was about to exit the mall I bumped to a tall figure guy, but I didn't see who it was, cause my vision went black...
"What did you did to her?" A guy with a thick Irish accent asked. "I didn't do anything wrong,when I bumped her, she became unconscious." A guy with a British accent said. I slowly tilted my head, "Ms...your awake, are you okay?" I suddenly locked my brown eyes to his green ones "I'm fine, thank you for helping me." I said "it's not a problem, what's your name?" he asked "I'm Megan, and you?" I asked and he give me a puzzled look I dunno why. "I'm Harry and this is Niall." He said. "Nice to meet you, sorry for causing you two so much trouble. " I said "it's okay, really." He smiled at me. And we continued to talk and know each other a little better, I know that Niall loves to eat a lot, and Harry being a flirt and all.

We began to talk about random things and I finally need to go cause, I think my dad is starting to worry.

"well I think I better go now." I said

"Can I take you home? Cause it's already dark outside." Harry asked "sure if there's no problem with you." I said and he grabbed his car keys and led me out of the Tour bus, wait a tour bus? what the he'll I'm in their and is he famous or something?

"Why am I in a tour bus?" I asked he slightly chuckled "well you never heard one direction?" He asked well since I was abuse in years I didn't have time to look at the social media. " no I never heard it before." I said "okay we're in a tour and we are here in new Jersey for a concert, tomorrow do you wanna come? Ill give you two free tickets so you can come tomorrow night." He said "okay that would be lovely." I said and smiled at him nicely.

I told him the directions of my house and we finally reached my house. "So Megan can I have your phone number? so I can contact you. " he said and we exchanged numbers and returned each others phone. " So see you around Megan." He said " see you around Harry, Bye." I said and he got back at the car and drove away.

I think I found myself a new friend.
Hey guys, sorry for not updating the chapter cause our internet has a problem, so BTW I know many of you are curious that zayn is still here and Louis and elenour is together, I want to, cause I thought that Louis and elenour is sooooo cute together, and zayn well, because I miss zayn, but hey, even zayn left the ban doesn't mean we can't put him in our fanfic, still, leave your mind, thumbs, eyes and imagination do all of it and i promise my story is not that sad cause I hate sad parts, but still I need to put it, so see you all guys soon
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P. S.
I love you all and all of you are gorgeous, you don't need make up to look gorgeous you need a good personality, to make you gorgeous and no need to have a cake face, just be yourself all the time, that what makes you beautiful, inside and out

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