Chapter 18 - Starting a New Life

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Megan's Pov

I groan and throw my alarm clock around the bed.

I got up and getting inside the bathroom I'd brushed my teeth washed my face.

I combed my long wavy hair. I'd put my hair in a messy bun. I took off my clothes and took a warm shower.

I got out and wear my uggs and brown ankle boots I grabbed my other things and put my used PJ's and I put some powder and ChapStick.

I got down and I called my aunt Claire, she's my dads sister she will leave here with her husband Larry and their only son Jim, they have an apartment but since I don't want to sell this house, maybe let them live here.

She and uncle Larry is so happy that they can live here. And also sadness that I'll live to my home country, witch is London.

Id look at my hand bag and no sign of my charger I quickly ran upstairs to get it and I saw it laying in my bed.

I took one more glance in my room. And something caught my eye.

Its a white envelope written on it My dearest daughter Megan. And remember that his holding that before he died. I grabbed the envelope.

"Megan! Were here." shout from down stairs. I think that's aunt Clair. I grabbed my charger and put it inside my hand bag along with the envelope.

As I run down back to the living room. "Aunt Clair Uncle Larry." I screamed and wrapping my arms around them.

"Thank you for letting us live here." Uncle Larry said while hugging back.

"Its not a problem."I said and pulled out in the hug.

"Well well well. I haven't seen you Jimmy." I said and hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you Megs" he admitted.

"Ill miss you too Jim. And your only 10yrs old so don't cause any troubles young man." I lectured.

We laughed and he nod.

"Lets go you don't wanna be late for your flight." Aunt Clair said.

We got inside of their car and I send Harry the time I will arrive. And he said okay ;) have a safe trip see you soon xx. Thats all he said.

The lasting I remember is me saying goodbye. And now I'm inside the airplane.

I drift in a uncomfortable seat. But still I'm happy that I'm going home in my country.

"Attention everyone we had landed in London, thank you for flying with us, have a nice day." The intercom said.

I got out and cold air hit me. It feels nice to be back.

Today is a New Day. Starting a New Life.
I know it's pretty short and boring I'm sorry.

Ill try to make it long and BTW I have a new fanfic called "I'm in love with a tomboy" I just started. The prologue few days ago... see you all soon bye


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