(2) Meeting More Than One Bunny

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3rd person P.O.V

Judy always knew her parents.

She knew how they would act for instance- when they met her best friend.

Nick Wilde.

She also knew what her father would say.

And what her mother would scold.

And all her little brothers and sisters reactions.

She also knew how Nick would behave.

She knew he would be uncomfortable with every repellant, deodorant, spray, charm, sign and smell her parents would put in the house.

Those items weren't JUST repellents .... They were FOX repellents.

The very thing Nick, her best friend was.

Judy sighed deeply in thought as Nick continued to do what he had been doing for most of the train ride to the bunny burrow- play around on his phone.

She never really knew what he did exactly or why it was so addicting but for the time being, she was glad there was some silence.

The tapping sound had stopped abruptly. "Okay what's up Carrot?" nick asked her.

Judy rubbed her arms. "Oh it's not bad... Just anxious is all- haven't seen my family in months." Nick gave her a side hug.

"I know you're worried because of your parents reactions to me." Judy looked at her friend. "I told ya i could stay back in Zootopia but you were all against it." Nick exclaimed.

"No! That's not it Nick! It's just... This is still very new to them- they work with foxes! It's not much of a difference." Judy pointed out.

Nick shrugged and returned to his phone. "If you're sure Carrots." Judy peered into the small electronic screen, jumping back as Nick pulled it away from her line of sight.

"What do you even do on your phone? Why so secretive?" She asked, grinning. "Whatcha hiding you sly fox?"

"Oh nothing you need to worry about... Just using the good old social media."

"Oh I see..." Judy sighed once more and relaxed in her seat. She stared at her phone which was also on her hand, re reading the texts she had anxiously sent her mother, warning her to remove all anti- fox products from the house.

Her mother had replied of course only to find out that her daughter was bringing one home. It was a relief to Judy that she didn't mind.

After becoming a cop, her parents had become more open to other species, especially their predators. It was more so her mother that was giving people chances than her father however so she hadn't told him about Nick's presence.

"Attention passengers, we will be arriving at bunny burrow train station in ten minutes." Judy's ears perked up at the sound of the female conductor's voice.

Nick glanced up from his phone in time to see Judy getting ready to make an exit.

"So Jude... Tell me a little about your family." Nick said. Judy rose a brow.

"Thought you were on Instagram or what ever you call it."

"Instalamb-" Nick corrected her, "and no, my phone died.... Do you have a power outlet at your parent's place by any chance?"

"Yeah we do but expect they may be in use...We have 150 of em all over the house-"

"150 POWER OUTLETS?!" Nick exclaimed.

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