× Thirty Eight ×

125 12 10

I look at Connie confused, with a bit of anger in my voice

"What do you mean you want me to leave the crystal gems.."

"Steven, you've died idk how many times now, and I'm looking towards the future.. For us .. For our family.."

I started to get heated , and I raised my voice


I sat up from the sand and started pacing around .

"Steven, listen...I don't know what I would do if you ACTUALLY died in a battle with them."

She stood up and tried grabbing my arm

I pushed her off like she was completely insignificant

"Get off me, you want me to leave my family, the 3 strong people who raised me even though me being around them causes them pain?!, Connie I love you..but"

"Steven wait.."

"Its a no connie.."

Connie started getting upset, you could see the anger fill up

She blinked away her tears

"You know what steven, fine be selfish, you know what I don't care anymore, MY daughter will do just fine without a Dad!"

She stormed off towards her parents house with "her kid" and I went to the temple...

The gems walk up to me and garnet puts her hand on my shoulder

"Steven, do you honestly believe you did the right thing?"

"Yes!" I jumped from the couch and threw my hands in the air

"She doesn't understand that you guys are my family and I need to protect her!..."

I kept on ranting and then pearl said she was gonna leave and try to catch up with Connie...

"And garnet, she wants me to leave you guys!! Like who does that!! "

Garnet sits down on the couch and pats on the seat next to her

"Steven, did you ever stop and think that... They are your family now...you have to protect them by being there for them, my guding them, by being the best father you can be..."

I was leaning into my hands.. And before I could respond to Garnet, pearl came running back in...

"Connie won't listen to reason! She's coming back later and taking her stuff.. She said something along the line of "not needing a dead beat husband? She can handle herself?"

Pearl stopped talking

"Ahh steven where are you going?"

"To find guidance.." I went into my moms room and fell to my knees

"Well room, I'm back to you again! Haha.. Relationships aren't my thing haha, maybe I should have never asked her any thing, we should have just stayed friends.."

I fell onto my face and then rolled over on to my back

"Room, I want the boardwalk, with connie..also.. Play some music haha"

I was walking up and down the dock with her, but talking to myself mainly.

"Tell me, am I going crazy?

Tell me, have I lost my mind....?"

I sighed and grabbed "Connie's' hand

"Am I just afraid if lovin'..?

Or am I not the lovin' kind..?"

The room started playing memories and it just made me wanna cry..

I sat at the edge and watch them play in the clouds

"Kissin' in the moonlight

Movies on a late night

Gettin' old..."

I sighed again and dicided I should go talk to her..

I kissed the cloud connie and poofed her away..

"I can't do this anymore more.."

"I'm tired of dreaming of no one , I need your body next to mine..."

I left my room , well my moms room and pearl was starring out the door with a tear in her eye..

"Whats the matter pearl?"

"Connie, she's .. She's leaving us...'


I went to run out the door and stop her, but pearl grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me back inside..

"Pearl what the heck!! I gotta talk to her !"

"She told me not to let you when she came back to get her stuff"

"Pearl I want her stay here with me ! I don't WANT her to leave !!'

I turned back to the door to see if she was still there

I sighed

"Great..now shes gone, for good, and I don't even know where she is.."

I sniffled and started laughing too

"Haha, and you know what the best part is haha I didn't even get to day good-bye, or even work this out...'

"Steven, I'm sorry I panicked"

"Its whatever pearl, its not like she's the only person I love or anything'

"If it makes you feel any better , she gave me this to give you.."

Pearl handed me a note , when I opened it I noticed it had tear stains..

Its said

"Steven, us.. Or the gems.."

((Whelp I had fun writing this chapter xD and its the first completed with my partner xD anyway see ya soon hope you enjoy!!))

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