✖️Twenty Six?✖️

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I finally decided to make things right...i didn't want to fight anymore..

I head home he next day and opened the door quietly and peeked in to make sure connie was still asleep...

"Connie?" I called out ..

"She went out for a bit" amethyst said chomping on some chips..

"Oh, well, do you know how long she will be?"

"No clue.."

Well i better get to work then...

I had an idea to apologize but its gonna be a big surprise for her..and hopefully she is gone for enough time for me to finish..

While i was working i decided to ask pearl to stand guard outside 

"Why , do i need to "stand guard" ?"

"To make sure connie doesn't come back while I'm working "

"Ok..ill yell when i see her.."

"Ok great!"

I chose pearl because i feel ame would fall asleep and or come back in forgetting what she was doing..and well garnet...

Lets just leave it at that..

__connie's P.o.v__

I got up this morning notice Steven wasn't in bed..


I sighed and then took a nice warm shower..

I decided..i needed to move on..we weren't working out..

Or maybe..I'm just not working out..

I called "him" and when to meet up for breakfast..

"Hey ame..I'm heading out for some doughnuts.."

"Ok and?"

"Well do you want any for when i come back?"

"Nope.." She flopped on the conch and started eating

I sighed again..

"Listen ame..can you promise me not to tell Steven..."

She turned and raised the skin where an eyebrow would be..

"Tell Steven what..?"

"Where I'm going..and what I'm doing..just...I'm testing something i guess.."

She waved her hand as she didn't care and i walked out the door


I got inside the doughnut shop and noticed no one showed..

"Dayum..." I wiped a tear from my eye..

Then i started to chuckled kinda loudly

"What am i kidding..i love Steven...what am i even doing "

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