✖️Thirty Fourrrr✖️

128 14 9

(( Day 2 whoop whoop!))

As we were on the hill its was fully dark now, we were still together and i was slowly falling asleep.. And yawned

I looked down at connie and noticed she was already out cold..

I smiled softly and lifted her up slowly to take her back home

I held her i guess you could say bridal style i had her arms rapped around my neck so she didnt fall

She started tightening her grip and when i looked down she was smiling ..

After a little bit of walking i finally got to her house..i crept into her house as quiet as i could

"Hello Mr.Universe"

But her momm...of all people her mom.:was sitting on the couch waiting ..

"Oh brother.."

"You're really late with bringing my daughter home.."

"How did you even know we were out?"

"She doesn't have any other friends..where else would she go..?"

That made me really mad..but for once i actually decided to keep my cool..

"*sigh* I'm sorry..i brought her home didn't i..ill take her to her room and be on my way.."

I said it with the most attitude i could..which probably wasn't the best idea..

I started walking up the steps while her mom was yelling at me..

"Listen here..."

"Yea yea, whatever.." I cut her off and shut Connie's door , and locked it

I laid her in bed and sat on the edge beside her..i looked down at her and caressed her face and smiled down at her

"Good night, Connie i love you"..

I got up and headed out her house back to mine.

(Back with the gems and Connie)

Connie was sitting on the edge of the couch next to Steven..

She was caressing his cheek as tears fell all over him , but she was smiling

"Oh Steven, you've been gone for 3 days..but it feels like forever"

She laid her head on his chest..she could feel him breathing and a heart beating

"At least i know you're alive.."

As she laid there she kept thinking..and letting memories and other crap run through her head

She started balling her eyes out now on his chest

She hugged him while laying on him and just kept crying..

"Please come back soon...i miss you...i need you..our daughter...she needs you..."

The thought of their daughter not having a father made it even worse for her

As she laid there crying the warp activated and Garnet walked in

"He'll be back.."

Connie instantly jumped up

"Wh-what do you mean...!??"

"I mean.. He is coming back.."


"I cant tell you..that would ruin the surprise " she softly smiled at Connie and returned to whatever she was doing

Connie sniffled and wiped her face..

"At least i know you're coming back to us..well me .."

"But how..or even when?"

(Steven's P.o.v)

I decided i didn't want to go back home right away..

I walked around town while it was late

I never noticed how peaceful and beautiful this town is..

I watched the stars and put my hands in my pocket and strolled down the boardwalk humming a tune to myself

Then i started singing to myself

Life and death and love and birth,
And peace and war on the planet Earth.

Is there anything that's worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth...

Man, i wish connie was here to experience this with me ...

((Sorry for the hella short chapter..it just had to be short and a story pusher for tomorrow and the rest of the week ..they're  gonna be hella long soo dont worry..again i am so sorry for this chapter..its kinda slow and short..nothing to exciting))

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