12. Hiding My Heart

Start from the beginning

I felt that lump come back in my throat again. "The fuck you mean? I'm not bound to that bitch I'm bound to you Kenyamo don't you get that shit?" he said getting upset. I didn't care I felt my senses come right in time. He doesn't get how strong a baby is between two people. Even if I'm here she's here with the baby.

They can have a whole ass family day and I wouldn't even be thought about because I'm not apart of it. "I get the love you got for me what your not getting is that you have a baby that's an automatic cock block, romantic time between us or anything that doesn't have to do with your baby" I said getting madder by the second.

"Fuck that shit you making excuses that be with that bitch nigga you was just all over me just awhile ago he must've texted you"he said getting my face. I was getting pissed off and so was he. This wasn't going to end well for one of us.

"Man so what if I do fuck with him it's not your business" I said pushing him away from me. He came back and got even closer to my face. "YOU FUCKING THAT NIGGA?" he yelled to the top of his lungs I saw birds fly. I didn't answer because I didn't feel the need to justify my actions with him.

He grabbed my arms and started shaking me asking me the same question. "Are you fucking him?" he kept yelling at me. I yelled back "so what if I am". He looked at me pissed and just pushed me off him. I fell back off the pier. I crashed into the water and thank god it wasn't deep because a bitch can't swim.

I stood up and saw him walking away. I walked out of the water with a wet face and my clothes sticking to me. I just walked and cried because I hate being wet with clothes on and then I had to let him go. I mean I've done it before but not like this. This was different I could tell we would be done for good.

I walked to the nearest bathhouse and went to grab my phone. The phone was ruined and it had heavy water damage. I threw the phone the wall in frustration and cried. I hated myself for even entertaining his clown ass. I went to a stall and sat there for awhile.

I was in disbelief that he would even push me in the water like that. I wanted to beat the shit out of him and he didn't even check on me. He knows damn well I can't swim. He's lucky it was shallow as hell or I might've died. I'm being over dramatic but it could still happen.

I went to the beach to find a lifeguard or somebody to call Kassidy or Kayvon. I just wanted to get my ass to the nearest phone possible because I wanted to go home. I walked around the beach and came upon a lifeguard in one of them big ass high chairs.

I walked up and tapped him on his leg. He came down and stood in front of me in all his shirtless glory. Baby boy was fine but I've had and got better so I'm good. "What you need" he said lifting his shades off of his face.

"I need to use a phone do you have one or know where I can find one?" I asked pulling the wet clothes off me but all it did was stick back on. I was irritated and my attitude and patience was wearing thin very fast. "I got one in my pouch homie hold on" he said reaching into his small pouch and taking out a small phone.

"Don't waste all my minutes" he said handing me his phone. I was about to burst into laughter because of his sorry ass phone but I can't because he's letting me use it. I dialed Kayvon number and he answered. "Yo who this" he said sounding like he was exhaling. He was probably smoking well knowing him he's smoking.

"It's Kenyamo come get me" I said in a rush because the lifeguard was getting impatient. Kayvon started coughing and took a big gulp of something. "Why you not with Kassidy?" he said confused. I rolled my eyes because I didn't care to explain what happened.

"I left to go somewhere and got stranded" I said irritated as hell because he was going to make me explain what happened. "Where is Kassidy at then?" he asked and I got pissed off I couldn't take the constant questioning. I would've been netter off calling Kassidy but I didn't care to hear the bitching.

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