Going home.

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Authors note:
Even though it's my birthday today, I still wanted to publish my next chapter because you guys have been so supportive and your comments and likes really make me want to continue writing this...! If this story goes well, there could even be a sequel... How does that sound?
16 today woohoo! x


"When will I see you again?" I ask David longingly.

He sighs and thinks... "I'm in Central London until the end of the month. Come back to Brixton in May won't you?" He smiles to me and holds my hands.

"Have fun with Angie and your son..." I say avoiding eye contact.

"My darling, it'll probably just be arguments, or her shouting at me. Anyway, half the time I'll be working in my studio."

"Here," I pass him a piece of paper with characters on it. "This is my number for home, so if you need me just call. And my address is on there if you want to write to me." He kisses my cheek once I finish my sentence.

"I'll miss you." He smirks to me.

"Will you though." I roll my eyes.

"Of course I will! You know I will, little rebel." He gets a cigarette out of his trench coat pocket and lights it, a David Bowie habit. "What are you doing about Kevin?" David asks me through his teeth.

"He'll live in my house until I get back, just so we can cool off. You could say we're on a break at the minute..." I gulp but then smirk at the handsome rockstar.

"As long as he doesn't hurt you." He rests his hand on my cheek and strokes it softly.

"Thank you David, for everything. Ever since I've met you, you've made me even happier."

"Like wise my darling girl." He kisses me and I kiss back.

There we were. In the street, people walking past, not realising they were passing one of the most famous people of our time. Lost in thought and drowning in being in love, I'm startled when a car horn beeps next to us.

"That's my ride." David says sorrowfully close to my face. "I'm sorry I have to go little rebel."

"I understand," I sigh back and David gets in the car. He winds down the window and I step forward.

"Stay safe," he mutters.

I lean down and lean my head slightly forward so he can give me one last peck before he goes. "I love you..." I whisper.

Why say that...!?

He smiles a crooked smile to me. "I love you too." He whispers, gives me one last lingering kiss, and the car drives off out of sight and I wave the car goodbye.

David said he loved me...!

How did this all happen so quick? I was just a fan! Now he's in love with me...! Will he divorce Angie to be with me...? Will I be the new mother to his son?

Many ideas whirled through my head and I walked myself to the station with a big suitcase. I had told Ellen I was going home so she'd have to deal with Kevin. I also called Abby to tell her I was on my way home, and in return she said she had news to tell me.


"Oh welcome home sweetie!" My mother kisses my forehead.

"I'll take that for you Ros." My dad offers to take my suitcase, most of it was washing.

"Thanks guys." I mumble.

"We're so glad you're home!" My mother says with a big smile.

"I'm not." Henry says rolling his eyes.

1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora