He got up, looked behind him and groaned. "My parents and my little brother."

"Oh!" I shot up, succeeding to push Cole's arm out of the way. "Hello! I'm so sorry to introduce myself as uh...sleeping."

Cole's mom was beaming. She was pretty tall, and had blonde medium length hair. Even from the bed, I could see she had one blue and one green eye. I could tell Cole got his smile and sweetness from her. 

She saw the mark on my shoulder and glared. Oh no.

But she directed her glare to Cole. "Did you get her permission young man?"

"No...not at first but-"

She walked over and pinched his ear until he got out of bed. 

"Mom that sort of hurts-"

"Think about how much that mark hurt!" She smiled at me. "I promise I'm a lot nicer than I am introducing myself."

I nervously laughed. Ben walked over to me and I realized that even though he is 12, like the rest of his family, he was taller than me.


"You must be Ben?"

"Yes, you must be Heather."

"You must be 12."

"You must be 17."

"You must be Cole's little brother."

"You must be from Tennessee, cause you're the only ten I see."

Cole slightly growled. "If you let us change, we can go out to breakfast and let you guys gush over Heather."

His mom let go of his ear, and hugged me. I was a little shocked so I didn't really hug back. "You can call me Mother Theresa." 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"My name is Theresa, but you know, you can call me Mother Theresa." 

I laughed. "You got it."

Cole's father gave me a smile and a wave and Ben gave me a thumbs-up.

What a weirdo.

I jumped when I felt arms wrap around me from behind. 

"That was my family."

I laughed. "I like them. Don't worry," I turned around and kissed him.

I then gasped. "I gotta find an outfit!"

He groaned, "can't we just kiss." 

"No. I gotta talk to mother Theresa while eating eggs!"

I ran to my closet and went through clothes like a madhouse. 

"Too slutty."

"Too...what is this?"

"Too big."

"Too small."


After searching for what felt like hours but was actually just 10 minutes, I found some blue skinny jeans and a light grey sweater that covered my butt. Who doesn't like comfy sweaters that cover bums, am I right? 

I braided the front of my hair while running downstairs, almost colliding with Cole. 

"Kitten, you don't have to rush."

"Yes I do! And I'm not exactly rushing...just making good time." I said with a nod.

AS I was putting on my brown toms, Cole said "I say we do something tonight."

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