Hermione's Helping Hand

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*** I don't own most of these characters or settings. All rights for the Harry Potter world to J K Rowling***

"I knew Harry was reckless, but not you Ginny! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Hermione chastised, "What possessed you to do such a thing? Harry has done this sort of stuff for years.... you get used to it in a weird way..... but you, Ginny! What were you thinking?"

"If you stop to take a breath Hermione." I rolled my eyes at my bushy haired friend, she could be melodramatic sometimes, "That's the thing, I wasn't really thinking. In fact I'm glad I did it."

Seeing the confused and astonished look on my friends face I explained:

"I support Harry, and maybe that was just the way to show him so. I couldn't let him go out there alone and neither would've you Hermione. So don't have a go at me, when you know full well you would have too! And for that matter, don't have a go at Harry either Hermione, you know what he is going through. You couldn't expect him to stand there and do nothing can you?" Now it was my turn to let of some steam, as we both stood staring at each other for a few seconds, shocked by the force in which we had both spoke. Turing on my heel I strided away and headed up to my dormitory for a few minutes peace. 

However, it seems that the fates were set on not allowing me the sanctuary of sanity at the minute. Alex and Emily were both dancing wildly in the middle of the room, banging their heads to the beat of the Weird Sisters greatest hits. Upon seeing me at the door to the dormitory, before I fully could comprehend the sight before me, I was dragged straight to the newly transformed dance floor. 

"Come on Ginny! Loosen up a bit!" Emily shouted over the music, which I was surprised to have not been able to hear in the Common Room. But then again, the two in front of me were, of course, witches. The thought made me smile. 

I remembered the day that I received my Hogwarts letter as if it was yesterday. I had been upstairs trying to find my jumper when they had arrived. Harry Potter sat in my very kitchen. At the time I thought all my christmases had come at once, despite the fact that my elbow went straight into a bowl of butter, my face turning an unflattering shade of beetroot. Errol, the Weasley family owl, was not the most stable creature, there was no doubt about that. Yet he still managed to get the letters to us in one piece, the same couldn't have been said for the poor owl as it smashed straight into the window before hooting in annoyance and flying straight back to his perch. It took us a while to coax him down, though the owl had always been fond of me, not to mention the box of owl treats that were being shook in his direction. 

The envelope was written in a swirly, angelic writing that could have only been associated with the elegance of a castle, like that of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I could remember the feel of the crispy parchment in my hand, the noise the red seal had made as I ripped it open, eager to read the letter as soon as possible. Absorbed in the memory, I smiled but I was soon distracted by the sound of manic laughter. 

Looking down, I saw that both Emily and Alex were crumpled in a pile on the floor. Obviously, dancing had proved a too dangerous activity for the excitable Emily, as she was layed on the top of Alex, who didn't look particularly happy with the current predicament. The disgruntled look on her face and the shocked laughter of Emily was enough to lead me to hysterics and I could no longer contain my laughter. It was moments like this that I wanted to remember, the good and the bad, because I never wanted to forget one moment spent at Hogwarts. 

"Ginny, stop laughing and help us up!" Alex asked unhappily. 

Still trying to contain myself, I reached a hand out to Emily, who was closest to me. Once she was on her feet, Alex too got up, brushing down her robes as she tried to make herself more presentable. 

"Only you could make dancing such a hazard," I told Emily, "You really are something." 

She flicked her hair sarcastically, "Why thank you." 

We sat talking, catching up on the goings on of Christmas. It relaxed my anger slightly to hear that Alex and Emily, although worried about my safety, saw it is a heroic effort to try and keep someone I loved from danger. I'm not so sure about the 'heroic' part, in fact it was far from it, but I much prefered this response to the petulance from Hermione. It turned out that Emily had spent her Christmas at her brothers new house. Thomas, Emily's older brother, graduated from Hogwarts last year and was well on the way to becoming a Healer, a profession I myself found quite interesting. Much to Alex's dismay - she had always had a huge crush on Thomas - he had just bought an apartment in Hogsmeade with his long-term girlfriend.

"Still with that girl, then is he?" Alex asked, failing to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

"Yes! You like him...." Emily teased, giving her a playful jab to the side, "Besides, you knew that was never going to happen."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, guys. Don't fight." I tried to be the mediator, Alex and Emily were both hot-headed like myself, and that meant they fought often. We were all such good friends all the same and any fights were forgotten within the hour.

Alex huffed but didn't retort. At least they had stopped fighting - for now. To avoid giving them more time and incentive to argue, I quickly suggested that we go down to the Common Room.

Unfortunately, when we arrived at the top of the stairs that led down to the Gryffindor Common Room, I could see Hermione sat on one of the sofas in our favourite corner of the room reading. Turning on my heel, I tried to go past the girls and back to our room, which was free of the confrontation I would have to face if I went down there. Alex and Emily however were not going to allow me to pass, how hypocritical of me to tell them to kiss and make-up yet here I was trying to avoid Hermione.

"Ginny. I need to talk to you." Hermione called, "I'm sorry for overacting. It's just....you're my friend and with everything that's going on.... I guess I just worry about you, that's all. Not that I don't think you're capable because I do."

"Hermione stop. It's fine honestly, all is forgotten." I interrupted, pulling her into a one armed hug. Restablishing our friendship would have to wait, as in the meantime we needed a distraction. A distraction that would stop all the arguments, though of course tensions were high given everything that is going on in the Wizarding World right now. Sadly, the only distraction which I had time for right now was homework. During the Christmas holidays I had not had chance to finish the roll of parchment I had been set in charms homework. Maybe, if I had organised my time a little better I wouldn't have been in this position, but with lessons beginning tomorrow I had little choice now.

"Hermione. Would you be able to help me with my Charms homework please?" I fluttered my eyelashes at her, "Pretty please!"

"Fine. Fine. I'll help you, but I won't just give you the answers on a plate. How would you learn then?"

"Of course, Hermione."

I laughed at the other girl, who was once more my friend. Typical Hermione.

A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes - I wrote this on my phone.

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