Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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It seemed that all I was thinking, breathing and playing this year, was quidditch. Not that I'm complaining. Harry really had picked an outstanding team this year, even with the exception of Dean replacing Katie Bell. It was awful what had happened to the poor girl, an innocent trip to the bathroom was not even safe anymore. Cursed. It's put everyone on edge obviously, as it makes it all seem a lot more real with the foreboding battle we all know is coming. But, probably most surprising for me, was that Draco Malfoy had not gloated or even made any attempt to malicious tease us with his wit in the year. Even though it was now November, not one mutter of the word 'blood-traitor' had been sent in my direction, nor Rons for that matter. A notion that Harry had not missed.

"Have you noticed Malfoy acting a bit strange recently?" Harry asked, Ron and Hermione, when I just so happened to be eavesdropping. By eavesdropping, I mean casually sat on the chair a few meters away pretending to be reading my Charms textbook. 

"No, can't say I've noticed myself." Of course, that was Ron's response, as perceptive as ever. He really was a giant oaf, he never even notices what is directly in front of his face. Harry, was just as exasperated by this response as I was as he sighed and turned away, looking out of the window and into the grounds below, but not before he accidently caught my eye. 

I smiled and we both looked embarrassed and turned away. Smooth Ginny, smooth. 

Walking into the Great Hall it was hard not to burst with pride because the entire room of student, minus the Slytherins obviously, stood up as the Gryffindor Quidditch Team entered, clad with brooms, jumpers, guards and all the associated kit that came with such a heavy stamina game. It was common knowledge that both the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws don't want to see Slytherin win, they are evil to everyone, not just the unsuspecting first-year Gryffindors. Especially in Hufflepuff, the appreciation have grown of Harry over the last two years, with the sorrowful death of Cedric Diggory and the success of Dumbledore's Army , although there would also be the disbelievers who didn't seen the the sense of worrying about 'nothing'. You Know Who is far from 'nothing' especially now.

As we took our seats at the Gryffindor table, the applause slowly died away, but as more gryffindors came down the breakfast they all took the detour to wish us luck. "Good Luck, Ginny, Dean" that was Seamus,  "Come on, guys!" "Thrash Slytherin" came another, slapping out backs as they went. 

"Come on Ron, eat something you've got to eat something-" Hermione started to encourage Ron, was was just staring forlorning at his plate which had been specifically arranged to mark the special occasion by the house elves. "look at all the effort the house elves have gone to! Its best to keep your strength up." She was almost over the whole, S.P.E.W thing - almost but not quite. 

"I don't feel li-" Ron was interrupted by the arrival of Luna at the table. On her head, was a large hat, easily identifying her as a supporter of our team. Placed on Luna's head was a large lions head, that had a magnificent red main covering all her usually blonde locks. It was the most heart-warming yet ridiculous thing I had ever seen, and it seemed that Emily, who had just joined us, was going to mention something about just how unique to was, however she was stopped in her tracks by my foot coming into contact with her leg. 

"What was that you put in Ron's drink, Harry?  Was it a tonic to calm his nerves? My father believes that drinking the sweat of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack can help with that" Luna continued, however nobody was listening to her, instead looking intently at the cup Ron was holding. It's a good job the other members of the team, didn't hear what she said, any such accusation would be classed as cheating hence we would be disqualified from the Cup. 

"Felix Felicis, don't drink it Ron!" Hermione gasped, but her scolding was left unheard as they were drowned by the stamping of feet as Ron downed the entire beaker at once and we headed out to field. I was bewildered by what had just happened but Ron was looking a lot more confident know, so whatever it was it worked. 

We had a game to win. 


Right. Left. Right. Duck. Shoot!

"That's another goal, from Gryffindor Chaser Weasley! Leaving the score 60-0 to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan shouted into his microphone from the commentary stand. Ron was saving well, the other chasers and I were working well together, and now all we needed was Harry to catch the golden snitch so that we could crown this victory as ours. 

It was about 15 minutes later, when he spotted it. From my position on the pitch I saw Harry, suddenly speed down in a tail dive to the ground below, the whole crowd leaning over the side of the stands to get a better look. A collective gasp rang out as Harry was getting closer and closer to hitting the solid ground before him.

"HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! WOAH! GRYFFINDOR WIN!" Lee had to shout to make his voice heard, even with the amplification of a microphone, to be heard over the roaring of the supporters in the stand. But not only that, as I and the rest of the team hit the ground, already running to get to Harry who had just won us the first match of the season.

I got there first, giving Harry a hug as I went, congratulating him on a game well played, however looking over his shoulder I saw the face of Dean, and it wasn't a face you would have thought to have found on someone who had just won a Quidditch Game. Pulling out of the hug, I walked up to Dean and grabbed his hand, rushing along with the rest to the Common Room. We would party like champions... 

It was safe to say, the party heated up a bit during the night. It all started when Ron was stood on top of one of the table, as the crowd below his cheered for his incredible performance. I was the first to admit that I did not expect that but Ron did the Weasley family proud, just when the team needed it the most. It was clear to me that Ron was loving all the attention, lapping it up with a huge grin on his face..... and that was when Lavender decided to strike. 

Lavender Brown, has a reputation in the school. Not a evil one, but certainly not a good one either as she was the school's biggest gossip. When Lavender wanted something she go it. Her victim of the night was my very own brother and as soon as her chance came, she launched herself onto the table and started snogging Ron's face off. Not something I wanted to see, since they were thrashing around on the table like a pair of eels. One person, however seemed very upset by this as I glanced from Harry's smirking one, to Hermiones face of despair. She was in love and couldn't bare to see Ron with someone else, it was bitter sweet. 

Harry noticing Hermiones discomfort, followed her out of the portrait hole, however I hesitated as not wanting to intrude, they were best friends after all. I was relatively close to Hermione and valued her as a close friend but she didn't need me right now so I walked over to the other side of the common room and took a seat next to Alex.

"It really is disgusting isn't it!" I said, disturbed by the image of Lavender and Ron which was now forever imprinted on my mind - no matter how much I tried to forget it. 

"Of course, you would say that because he's your brother." Alex replied, receiving a death glare from me, "Okay, Okay! It is....messy."

"I would be much happier if he was with Hermione, Lavender has latched herself onto Ron like she's stuck with superglue."

Apparently, in the bad mood I was in Alex didn't want to stick around for any more conversation with me and to be honest I wouldn't blame her. Maybe I should do go find Hermione after all. 

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