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It seemed to me that my entire hogwarts year so far had resolved solely around one thing: Boys.  I never wanted it to be like that, as these are my experiences of secondary school life and I didn't want to remember it for chasing boys. Right this minute I take a pledge, over the next few months I would not be worried about who liked me or who didn't, instead I would focus on me and who I want to be. It was times like this when I really missed my brothers Fred and George. During their time at Hogwarts they were always getting up to mischief and pulling pranks on unsuspecting victims, though they always knew just how far to go - not too far, that is.

On of my favourite pranks of theirs was just before they left the school last year because of the pink toad, Umbridge. To make a final mark on the school pranking history before leaving for good, the twins created a swamp, right in the middle of one of the most used corridors in the entire castle that is Hogwarts. Umbridge couldn't find a way of removing it and there were times when Filch could be seen 'helping' by hitting the swamp with a mop. This of course didn't work, none of Umbridge's efforts seemed to. The other professors since then have managed to get rid of it just fine, I suspect they didn't like Umbridge as much a we did and weren't willing to help when they knew just the solution. If I was in their position I don't like I would. However, Professor Flitwick didn't in fact remove it all. Just beside the window of that very corridor, a small puddle-sized swamp can be found, a long time testimony to the greatness of the Weasley pranking. 

Other of their pranks have included sending me a toilet seat before I even set foot into Hogwarts, our parents weren't too pleased as you can imagine. Come to think of it, it was very unhygienic of them, but it the time I thought it was genius and a large part of me still does. Going, to my brothers this time was not an option as five of my brother no longer went to his school and Ron......I couldn't even consider it. 


They were my knights in shining armour. Emily and Alex, were always there for me when I needed them and at my request fun was what we were going to have so after breakfast the next morning, we headed straight outside into the Hogwarts Grounds. 

The Hogwarts Grounds are several acres large, containing many mystifyingly magical place from the Forbidden Forest to the Black Lake. Forbidden Forest, forbidden was the dominant word in that title however there were those select few students hem *Fred and George* hem  who decided to disobey that particular rule. Nobody knows exactly what lurks within the forest, although rumour has it that the forest is home to werewolves, unicorns, centaurs and other weird and wonderful creatures. I did in fact study, Care of Magical Creatures and could therefore confirm about the unicorns. I know that they are beautiful creatures so I can only imagine what else is in their. The Black Lake, is also home to many magical animals, including grindylows (which caused quite some trouble in the Triwizard Tournament), many types of fish species and finally, probably the most impressive of all, is the Giant Squid. The squid is quite well known throughout the school for saving unfortunate first-years who fall into the lake, thankfully it wasn't me, instead it was Dennis Creevey. He hasn't stopped talking about it since. 

Believably my favourite place on the Hogwarts Grounds, is the Quidditch Pitch. I've spent the majority of my Hogwarts career either in classrooms or down at the pitch. It's had a lot of use over the years, but yet is always well maintained by the gamekeeper Hagrid. Hagrid was so kind to me during my first year and I still visited him often, not that many people know - including Ron, Harry and Hermione. At Hagrid's Hut was our first port of call in our day of fun.

Hagrid's Hut gave the appearance of a thatched shed, it was quite small considering Hagrid's half-giant blood, however inside it was full to the brim of lots of weird things. To the right was a large bed which was where Hagrid slept, however on the wall opposite the pillow hung three roosters, hanging by a piece of string (most likely strengthened by the use of magic), this was quite a regular occurrence in there, so we were used to it by now. To the left was a messy array of cupboards, all different shapes and sizes, full of miscellaneous items from mugs for tea, to tape and string. The stove was fitted into the centre wall, where a pot was brewing ready for a cup of tea. We needed it today as the weather was dropping awfully cold, the prospect of snow on the horizon. 

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