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"Dammit," Daryl whisper screamed and set his crossbow down. Carol looked down at him and smiled. "They're here. Next door."

"Rick and them?" Carol asked for assurance and stood up when she realized it was true. She grabbed her gun and put it in her waistline of her pants and tucked her shirt behind it. "Something has to be wrong for them to be here. They were going to stay at the barn, why are they scavenging supplies all together?"

"Or they're following us," Daryl said in his husky voice. "Lemme talk to him."

"We can sneak out the back door," Carol smiled.

"Stop," Daryl demanded as he slung his crossbow over his shoulder and went to the door. "Stay here."

Daryl went outside and stood outside the house next door. Everybody started coming out. Tara, Carl, Eugene, Rick, and everybody else. Carl ran up and wrapped his arms around Daryl happily. Daryl put a hand on his head and looked up at Rick on the porch.

"Why er you here?" Daryl coughed out.

"You and Carol against the world, is that really a good idea? I don't want you to make a mistake you regret, because you're afraid and upset," Rick  said sympathetically. "We all care about you."

"N-no," Daryl shrugged. "I'm not afraid. I'm not upset."

"We all have lost people. You know that. Merle died, and you went on. We can get through this together. We all lost her too, Maggie lost her too," Rick added.

"It's not about Beth," Daryl said through his teeth.

"You're tired of losing people. Carol is too. We'll let you have space, if that's how you need to handle things. We need both of you," Rick walked towards Daryl. "We're all broken."

"Screw you," Daryl whispered. "We gotta, man."

"Carol, can you at least try to talk to him?" Carl whined, looking at Carol. She walked off the house next door's porch. "Please."

"I got him to take a shower. There's not much more I can do," Carol tried to grin. "We should stay together. Please, Daryl."

Rick nodded and went to give Daryl a hug. Everybody followed him, running and group hugging Daryl altogether.

"Hate y'all," Daryl groaned as they squeezed each other together. They all stopped, backing off. "Get inside. Walkers gonna be all over."

They all started back to inside and Carol followed them. Daryl stepped forward and took her wrist. She looked back at him, with a delicate smile on her face.

"I hate what you do to me," Daryl let go and looked away.

"I'd follow you to the end of the earth, but its round," Carol said before walking inside. Daryl stood there, silent, and waited for everybody to walk inside.

He went into the street to see about ten Walkers coming towards the house. He stabbed them all in the face, slamming his crossbow into their foreheads or pushing his knife into their skulls.

He tried to catch his breath as he looked at their motionless, second time dead bodies on the ground. In the darkness, a shine flashed into his eyes. The moonlight hit on something silver. He looked around realizing that nobody was watching, they had all went inside. So he bent over to see what it was.

A diamond ring had caught the moonlight. He chopped off the finger and picked up the finger with the ring  and looked at it. He took it off the bloody finger and threw the finger on the ground.

Daryl hesitated, but decided to take it. He wiped blood off and put it in his pocket.

"Daryl?" Rick called, opening the front door. "C'mon."

He nodded and patted his pocket before walking inside.

My Fallen Angel (CARYL/TWD FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now