Locket In Your Pocket

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"I'm sorry." She had said to him. He took a breath and sat up. "You good?"

Daryl nodded and sat up. He couldn't look at her as he stood up and started walking away.

"Where you going, Daryl?" Carol asked, worried about him.

"Nowhere," Daryl let out a deep breath. He spun around and started walking back. "I, uh, I had a bunny."

"A bunny?" Carol smiled.

"Did you become vegetarian all of the sudden or something? What's wrong with it?" Daryl asked, angrily.

"No, it's just," Carol started, but shut her mouth. She shook her head, wanting him to forget she said anything. He stared at her, waiting for her to finish. "You called it a bunny. Not a rabbit, or something."

"Next time I'll call it Bloody Shitface if that's better," Daryl ran, upset, to the house. Carol followed after him.

"We... we've had this conversation before, Daryl," Carol sighed, following him up the stairs. "You can't just sleep your troubles away. You can't just sit here and never get up. Remember me saying that?"

"Just let me be, I'm fine," Daryl demanded, walking into the bedroom. Carol followed after him, watching him jump on the bed. His shirt caught the headboard's pole and tore completely off. He landed on his chest, his bare back facing the air. Carol walked around the bed, and looked at his scars. "Shit, just go away."

"You've never been fine in your life. What happened? Why are you pushing me away?" Carol asked. Daryl remained face down and his back rose and fell as he breathed. "Look how far we came. We trusted each other."

"And I'm gonna die when I lose you," Daryl said into the mattress. It was muffled, but Carol understood. Laying down, she couldn't really hug him, so she didn't know what to do.

"Losing Sophia was hard for you. Losing Mearl was hard for you. Losing Beth was hard for you. But the hardest thing I'll ever do is look at you right now and give up. I can't see you like this, Daryl," Carol gulped, and stood closer to the bed. "Life goes on. I'm still here."

"How many people do I oughta lose before I break?" Daryl yelled. Carol hesistately put a hand over one of his scars. "Come here," He turned around and sat up. He sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Carol for a couple moments.

Carol pulled away and looked him in the eyes. Daryl awkwardly kept eye contact. "So what now?" Daryl said weakly. He blushed and looked out the window. "Fuck, there's somebody out there. Stay here."

Daryl lunged down the stairs, three at a time and ran out the front door. "Who's there?" He pointed the crossbow into the woods. "Come out, you might live."

"Or what? You'll make an ear necklace out of me?" Glenn came out of the woods. "Just looking for food, Daryl. Are you and Carol okay? We heard gunshots. It was faint, because of distance, so I came this way."

"We're fine," Daryl brought his crossbow down.

"I have an extra shirt. You know, if you need one for after whatever you're doing up there together," Glenn said awkwardly. He pulled a men's shirt out of his bag.

"Together?" Daryl asked. He looked down and saw he was shirtless. "Oh, no. No, no. Umm, Carol's off getting more wood for the fire, over there, you see?"

"Oh, okay. That's not how you cook a chicken, though, but I think she'll tell you that when she gets back," Glenn smiled. Daryl nodded. "We found a bit of ammo for Carol's type of gun. Where is she?"

The front door of the house opened and Carol walked out. "Daryl, who is-" She stopped with her knife in the air when she saw Glenn. "Hey!"

"Did you find lots of sticks for the fire, in that house?" Glenn laughed, looking at Daryl. "Yeah, here." He threw the box of ammo at Daryl, who caught it. "I'm guessing you don't have any food, besides the yummy chicken Daryl has cooking. I guess this is bye again."

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