Almost Like Before

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"Sasha and I just took out twenty outside the barn. They're piling up, we need to go," Tara told Abraham. He nodded, walking over to Eugene, and Tara followed him. "We can't stay here."

"I don't see why Rick and the others are planning to follow Daryl and Carol. They obviously don't want to be in the group," Abraham ranted. Eugene shook his head. "You seriously would follow them?"

"They have issues, but these people wouldn't be here without those two," Eugene shrugged. He ran his fingers through his mullet. "Why not?"

"Well, it doesn't look like we've got a choice," Tara crossed her arms. "These people are smart, we should all stay. When they get over Beth, and everything else, they'll come back and it'll be alright. We all just need time."

"Okay, we'll stay here with these freaks," Abraham rubbed the back of his neck.


"Carol! Can you make beans?" Daryl screamed from upstairs. Carol laughed and smiled. She popped open the can of beans and poured it into the propane stove's pot. She clicked up the heat and walked into the room-sized closet while humming. Carol went through the closet until she found a white button up men's shirt and dark blue jeans. She found a pair of boxers, and a new pair of combat boots.

He ran downstairs, and set a pile of stuff on the table. Carol came out carrying the stuff and set it on the opposite side of the table.

"I found a few flashlights, about a dozen batteries, a thing of matches and a bit of medicine in the first room. The other rooms, there was a camera," Daryl looked at all the stuff. "What 'bout you?"

"I found you clothes. This farmhouse is old, it has it's own well which is pretty full," Carol winked. Daryl shook his head.

"Hold up, there's no way," Daryl held up the camera. It was an old one that printed out pictures automatically. "I look fine."

"You look disgusting," Carol argued.

"Aren't you a peach?" Daryl frowned. "Take a picture with me, and I will."

Carol took the camera and took a picture of them. She handed the camera to Daryl. He took the picture and the clothes before walking upstairs to the bathroom.

Carol took the beans off the stove and poured them into two bowls. She smiled and went over to the camera. She reached into her pocket to find the barbecue sauce from two days before, the night they left the group. She took it and threw it on the table with the beans. She set the camera down and walked back to the kitchen.

With a grin, she took the hot peppers she had found at the flourist's that she hadn't told Daryl about, the ones she picked herself, and cut it up. She put some in Daryl's beans, mixed it up and put the rest in.

She looked through the cabinets to see what else she could find, and saw flour, baking soda, granola, uncooked pasta, sugar and chocolate chips.

She shut the cabinets and walked over to the front door, where their bags were. Along the way, she picked up the stuff off the table. When opening his bag to put the stuff in, she saw a crushed flower. She took the pot, and tried to scoop some of the soil that had fallen to put it back. It was a Cherokee Rose.

She smiled, and shut the bag before grabbing the water jug beside it. She carried it back to the kitchen and filled two cups with water.

Daryl came downstairs, startling Carol. He was wearing the outfit Carol had found. She smiled at how neat he looked. He looked down at himself.

"It's weird," Daryl shook his head. She smiled. "How do you like this?"

"Next, I'll clip those bangs," Carol teased. Daryl looked at her, seriously.

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