Taking Off

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"You think this will be the last time we see them?" Carol asked, staring back at the barn. Daryl shook his head. "They'll find a new place, you think? Keep moving."

"Yeah, they'll be good. They can change to be anywhere. Good people can change," Daryl nodded.

"Change into what? Bad people?" Carol wondered. "You're a good person, and you've changed. In a good way."

"Good? I was a piece of shit before all this, and I ain't good now," Daryl corrected her. Carol looked at him, walking past him to a bush of berries. She examined them to see if they were poisonous, but they weren't.

"You're a good man, Daryl, we all know it. Even when you're afraid," Carol picked the few dozen berries that were okay. Daryl scooped them out of her hands and poured them into his back pocket.

"I ain't afraid of nothing," Daryl retaliated. Carol looked at him carefully. She knew that was a lie.

"Not even becoming one of those? You have to be afraid of dying, of losing people," Carol kept walking in front of him. "That's why you're leaving Rick and the others, it's completely different from my reason. You just can't stand seeing anybody else dying."

"Not others," Daryl whispered. A noise shook the bushes and Daryl instinctly pulled his crossbow into shooting position. Suddenly, a small rabbit shot through the bushes. Daryl prepared an arrow, but Carol stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. She pointed to a herd of about thirty passing through. They hadn't spotted Daryl or Carol yet.

"You have to have someone," Carol quietly snuck behind a tree and stayed still until the Walkers passed. Daryl looked over at her, studying her face, before jumping beside her. He wrapped his arm around her, keeping her still.

Daryl looked over his shoulder to make sure they passed, before letting go and stepping out from behind the tree. He watched the ground as they walked, but couldn't catch up on any animal trails. They would have to eat soon.

They walked and walked until it started getting dark. Carol found a place big enough to make camp for the night.

Daryl came back to the area, carrying lots of sticks. He set them in a pile and started to make a fire as Carol put big logs up, so if walkers came near, the pointy end would go in their stomach and they would get stuck. Daryl helped her shove them into the ground a square pattern.

"You should get some sleep," Carol pointed to the ground. "I will take first watch."

Daryl looked at her, ready to debate with her. But then he realized that he would lose, so he fell asleep for what seemed like the millionth time.

When he woke up, it was daylight. He tossed and turned, but tiredly woke up. When he sat up, he saw that he was all alone. Carol was gone.

"C-Carol? Carol?!" He called out, but there was no response. He grabbed his crossbow and slung it over his shoulder. Daryl hopped over the wood pegs and ran around. He ran around the woods, trying to find her.

Suddenly, he saw someone about fifteen feet away. He ran quickly towards her, who was walking slowly back to the campsite. He bent over while putting his hands on his knees, and finally took a deep breath.

"Where did you fucking go?" He gasped for air.

"Out to pee, I'm sorry, next time I'll invite you," Carol laughed. Daryl shook his head, and looked at her waist. She had her knife and gun. If something had happened, he knew that she could protect herself, but that didn't stop him from worrying. "We should get going. There is a creek up to the north, animals would want to hang around there."

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