Chapter 6

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The day ended really fast; I was so sad the whole entire day. I had cheer practice afterwards, so I had to spend 2 extra hours in this hell hole. I was walking out of my last class and I see Sammy at his locker. Since my locker is beside his, I walk to mine faking like I was putting something in there. I opened my locker and put a pencil in there.

"Hey Sammy, if Wes put you up to this; please don't listen to him. He's my ex and he's just jealous and wants to get me back. Just please listen to me." I say just rambling things for him to accept my apology.

He looked up at me and gave me a fake smile and closed his locker. "Look Ren you're a nice and beautiful girl, but I just don't know what to say. Wes told me about how you didn't wanna be by me or talk to me anymore. That actually hurt. I wanted to ask you on a date, but I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon. He says while walking away.

"Fuck" I whispered. So that's what he wanted to ask me. I just fucked up everything. To be honest I actually did like Sammy; just didn't want Wes to know. God knows what he would do to Sammy if he found out that I liked Sammy. Not speaking of what happened to Oliver.

"Wow thanks Oliver for the ice cream really nice of you" I say smiling ear to ear.

"Anything for you Ren, you know every time I saw you with Wes. It broke my heart knowing he wasn't good enough for you, and I'm glad I got the chance to take you out somewhere and you actually approved of going" he says laughing.

We laughed together talking about funny jokes and hilarious stories about ourself while we walked to my house.

We walked up my doorsteps, and he kissed me on my cheek. I smiled and walked in my head.

I walked upstairs to my room and looked out the window to see Wes and his crew talking to Oliver. I kept looking at them and I saw Wes look up at my bedroom window grinning so hard, then he winked at me.

The next day I called Oliver just to be noisy on why Wes was talking to him last night. He didn't answer. I called several times and he still didn't answer. I walked to his house since he only lived a block away from me. I knocked on his door and his mom answered.

"Hi Mrs. McCwen, is Oliver here; I've tried calling him, but he hasn't answered his phone" I say politely.

"Oh no did you not here, he moved in with his father; something people in school was bullying him. He came home after your guys date with a bloody nose and a few scratches here and there." She says very quickly.

"OMG, did he tell you who did it or anything about what happened last night" I say panicking.

"Not at all, he just told me that's he was moving with his dad; he just finished packing today and officially is gone. I'm sorry Serenity" she says very sadly.

I tell her "thank you" and left and walked back home.

I saw Wes outside and I knew he was up to this, but I didn't wanna say anything.

He came up to me before I opened my door.

He grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him. "Serenity did you here about Oliver, I heard he got his ass kicked" he said trying not smile.

I knew he was lying just didn't wanna say anything. "Yes I did Wes actually I just went to try to check on him, but his mom told me that he moved in with his dad" I say furious.

"Woah baby; don't get angry, do u think I did this" he says putting his hands up in surrender.

"Actually Wes I KNOW you did it; you were the only one and your crew that spoke to Oliver last night. So yea I do think you did something to him last night" I say about to walk into the house, because I was tired of him.

"Look ba-" he says before I cut him off.

"Stop fucking calling me that: we are OVER, so let me be free and stay the FUCK out of my life. He cheated on ME, not the other way around, so please leave and let me date others, because you don't OWN me, nor did you" I say finally over my bowling point.

He looked at me shocked and did that grievous grin he always does when he's up to something. "Look Serenity, no guy WILL EVER take you away from me. Don't forget your MINE and always will be. Just because you say we aren't together, doesn't mean we aren't. So have a nice day and don't forget: I DO OWN YOU, he say with gritted teeth.

I scoffed and walked into the house, thinking about his words. He does not own me; nobody does. I just sit on my couch for the rest of the day and watch Lifetime Movies.

~End of Flashback~

The bell rung meaning the teachers could leave. I was knocked out of my own world when my best friend Khloe came up to me and told me to hurry and get dressed for cheer. I ran to the gym and my locker number in there. I got my zebra print shirts, a Pink Floyd T-Shirt, and my cheer shoes. I put that on and headed to the gym.

"Okay sorry ladies; lost track of time" I say trying to sound apologetic.

"Yeah, yeah; Can we just get this practice over with; I'm so exhausted" one of the girls say.

"Sure what the heck" I say. "Now get in formations guys" I holler.

*skip cheer practice"

I was walking toward my car, when Khloe stopped me.

"Hey girl; I heard what Sammy said to you. "Are you ok" she asks

I nodded my head, trying to get Sammy out of my head. I opened my door and got in looking at her, just staring at me. Khloe hardly speaks to me in school, because she's always on her boyfriend Josh dick everyday. So idk why she's trying to get in my business now, she only speaks to us if there is drama which we don't wanna be in.

*skips car ride*

I walked in the house; not wanting to eat or speak to anyone. I went upstairs to my room, and just looked up at me ceiling. Just thinking about what Sammy said to me. "Did he really like me or "Was it just one of his ways to get me in bed." That's all I thought about till I fell asleep.

"Did I like Sammy back"

What's up guys!!!! So I only have two days left of Spring Break and I go back Monday 😶. So not excited, but anyways after that. I'll be able to update more. So be ready. Don't forget to follow me on here and vote on this story!!!! Thxs ❤️❤️

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