Chapter 5

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I think they look so fucking sexy in this picture like no joke!!!! But anyways back to the story.....

My free break was over and I was so happy surprisingly. I just wanted to find Sammy and figure out why he wanted to tell me. Lacey bumped into me and kept asking me all the questions. I tried to listen and answer her questions, but my mind was on Sammy walking out of the gym doors with some other basketball players. She was still talking, but I just walked away without her even noticing. I saw Sammy saying goodbye to some friends of his. I walked up to him, but of course somebody cut me off again. And this time; I did not want to talk this person at all or ever again. Wes came up to me with his hands in his pocket looking down. It looked like he was crying, but I doubt that. I've been through this so many times.

"Hey Serenity" he say while looking up

"Ugh, what do u want Wes; I'm kinda busy at this moment" I say looking around trying to find Sammy, but I couldn't find him (fuck)

"I heard you been trying to fuck with the new kid, Stewart, he says with gritted teeth.

I swear to god I hate him so much, I said in my head. I rolled my eyes and said "his name is Sammy and no I am not trying to "fuck" with him as you think.

"Well everyone thinks you two are going to hook up and fuck before school lets out" he says

"OMFG, Sammy and I are not going to hook up or fuck. So stay the fuck out of my god damn business and pay attention to the girls that are always on your dick 24/7. I scream while shutting whoever locker that was.

Wes had a angry face, but I didn't care at this moment. Some people on this school just need to shut their mouth and stop thinking things. The bell rang for my next class which means I'm late. (Great 😠)

*skip this class*

I tried looking for Sammy again after class. And I see him talking to Wes. (Omg, he loves killing my life) I took a deep breath and I walked up to the two of the them.

"Hey Sammy" I say.
He ignored me.
"Umm Sammy" I say again
He ignored me again. Now I'm getting really pissed. I stood directly in his face and screamed his name.
"What the fuck do u want Serenity" he says a little anger coming out of his voice.
I was startled and stepping back till I bumped into Wes. He had a smirk on his face which I knew he was up too this. I looked at Sammy and his head was down. I was so angry. I slapped Wes with all the night I could. The principle was walking towards us, so I knew Wes wasn't going to do anything if he was around. I walked up to Sammy and told him not to listen to anything Wes says and it's just bullshit. Sammy looked up at me with guilt and sorrow eyes, like he was about to cry. He whispered "I'm sorry" then walked off. I tried to follow him, but he turned around and said not to follow him. I stopped where I was and watched him walk away from me.

This chapter sucked, but I had to update for you guys. I promise I'll be more active and update more for this story, because I like writing stories for some reason. But anyways don't forget to follow me on here and on my other social medias. You can always message me. Usually i answer ASAP. But anyways; I might update tonight. Idk yet. 50/50 chance I will. Hope you guys are liking the story right now!!! ❤️❤️

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