Chapter 4

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New Day, but Back to School great.

Usual mornings, so I just did the usual. I wore leggings, a purple Under Armor Jacket with purple Nike's. I didn't wear any makeup, nor did I wear my contacts. I grabbed my glasses and keys and headed out the house to the car. I felt my phone vibrate and I had a text from Zanders saying that Sammy just arrived. I laughed at how silly he was. I didn't text back since I was only 5 minutes away from school. I pulled into our school parking lot and got my backpack out. "OMG, he is hotter in person" Lacey said. "He's only been here for a couple of minutes and you two already probably giving him the creeps" I said while laughing. They gave the "whatever look" and I just started laughing again. The bell rung to head to our classes. Of course I headed to Pre-Calculus. About only thirty minutes into class, the intercom came on. "Serenity Floyd, please come to the office" they say. Everyone said "ooo" like I was in trouble. I rolled my eyes and headed to the office.
I walked into the office to be welcomed by the Secretary. I smiled and said hi. I asked why I'm in the office, she was going to say something till the Principle beat her to it. "You're in here to help our new student find his classes, since you are our President of the Beta Club (curse my smartness) He brought me into his office to see a blonde headed kid. He turned around and smiled. His dimples was so cute and his hair was perfectly everywhere. He was the definition of sexiness. I knocked myself out of my dreams. Is miles and shook his hand. We introduced ourselves. "Great you two are getting alone, ok Serenity this is his class schedule and his locker combination. The bell just rung for 2nd Block, I'll right you a note of you're late" he signed a paper with his signature and Sammy and I walked out together. We walked to his locker first. Great it's beside mine, I said in my head. "Lucky for u it doesn't have a combination" I said and smiled. He did that smile that anyone can die for. He gave me his schedule. I looked at it. We had 3/5 classes. "Ok you're first, third, and fifth block is with me" I said. "Ok" he just said. I showed him to all his classes. Second was almost over, so we just hung out in the halls. "Lunch is next" I told him. "Good, because I'm hungry" he said while laughing. I laughed as well. The bell rung which means 2nd Block is over. I went to my locker and so did Sammy. I saw my friends running towards me and Sammy. "Hi I'm Zanders" Zanders screams. Sammy laughs. "Okaii guys don't make him too uncomfortable" I say. "This is Lacey and Rachael" Zanders say. Sammy smiles and says hey. They both say hey and we all head to lunch.
I wasn't really hungry, so I just went straight to our table. Lacey was already there. "OMFG, I think Sammy likes you" she blurts out. "Wait what, he just got here calm down" I say. "How he looked at you, when u laughed, it's SO obvious" she says. I roll my eyes while the rest of them started to come to table. Everyone was whispering things about Sammy when he came to the table and say right beside me. Then everyone started to whisper louder. I just huffed and looked at my phone. "Are you not hungry Ren" Sammy asked. I looked up quickly "How did u know that was my nickname" I asked. "I didn't, it just sounded cool, now are u hungry" he asked. I shook my head no and looked back at my phone. He sat a green apple in front of me. I looked up at him and slid it right back to him. He slid right back to me. I looked at him and was about to slide it back till he beat me to it and told me to eat it. I huffed and ate the apple. He smiled and I gave him a fake smile. I got a text from Rachael that read "he is SO into you" I looked at them and that must be what their conversation was about. I whisper no and they shook their head yes. The bell rung and it was my free break.
Sammy followed me to t locker, but I forgot his locker is right beside mine. I looked up to see him staring dead at me. "Yes" I asked. He shrugged and said nothing. I slammed my locker and was about to walk outside. Sammy was following. "Sammy you need to be in class, not following me" I say. "I know, but you're so gorgeous" he says. In my head, I was doing so many flips, but I couldn't show it so I just replied with a thanks. He smirked. "Ok Sammy you need to go to class before you're late" I tell him. "Ok can you walk me to my next class" he asked. I rolled my eyes and got up from my tree stump and starts walking to Sammy's 3rd Block which is Gym(basketball). He kept trying to hold my hands, but I kept pulling away. We was finally standing right in front of the gym doors. He kept staring at me like he was when we first met. "Kid what are you staring at, you're messing up my free break" I asked a little bit ticked off" "I'm sorry, but can I ask you a question" he asked. "Sure what" I say frustrated. "Do u wanna...... He gets cut off by the coach coming out here telling Sammy he is 15 minutes late. Sammy went into the gym with his head down. I walked away just thinking about what he wanted from me. I wasn't paying attention to anything during my free break except that question he wanted to ask me
"Do u wanna...,"

Wow, what do u guys think Sammy will ask her. I'll upload the next chapter hopefully tomorrow. Other than that, message me I'm always available.
Twitter: @KDeshay_Taylor
Kik: KristenxCaniff
Vine: TeasingWilko

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