-Faster? – she leaned over to whisper in my ear, without leaving the position I was in, I nodded frantically and she promptly answered my request.

-God. – I whispered, my throbbing pussy closed, I was about to cum and Lauren knew it, because she sped up more, I don't know if it was possible to disguise it anymore. I was about to overflow in an orgasm, but I knew that that couldn't happen there, it wouldn't go unnoticed by anyone. So I just held her wrist, Lauren tried to move, but I was firm.

-Please, Lauren. – I whispered looking at her. Lauren removed her hand from between my legs.

-Troy, shall we go? It's our turn. – she looked at me and winked, I was bewildered, this woman is hell.


*(Play song)*

The sound of Lauren's guitar filled the environment, drawing everyone's attention, who stopped what they were doing to look to the center of the stage.

* This is how it starts

You take your shoes off in the back of my van

My shirt looks so good

When it's just hanging off your back;

She said "use your hands and my spare time"

We've got one thing in common

It's this tongue of mine

She said "she's got a boyfriend anyway" *

Lauren sometimes looked at the guitar, sometimes looked around, people were crazy, everyone screaming and singing along with her, that song was unknown to me, but something drew my attention.

* There's only minutes before I drop you off

And all we seem to do is talk about sex

She's got a boyfriend anyway;

I love your friend when I saw his film

He's got a funny face but I like that

'Cos he still looks cool

She's got a boyfriend anyway *

Gradually the song began to make sense in my head, Lauren began to sing with her eyes closed, time or another she looked at me, she had no right to sing like that looking at me.

* Now we're on the bed in my room

And I'm about to fill his shoes

But you say no

You say no

Does he take care of you

Or could I easily fill his shoes?

But you say no

You say no *

Lauren opened her eyes and stared at me, I got lost in that dark green expanse, every word that came out of her mouth made me be sure that it was for me, every word was a question drumming in my head, was Lauren starting to feel something for me?


The rest of her show was impeccable as always, her repertoire was practically the same from last time, but the audience cheered her relentlessly. During her show, I had drunk some more shots, it wasn't my intention, but Lauren had teased me and she would pay for it. My body begged for an orgasm, I had my legs crossed and time or another I squeezed them to silence the desire.

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