Chapter Thirteen: A Date's a Date

Start from the beginning

"Good day young couples! Welcome to Couple's Best Gift Shop!" One of the attendant suddenly greeted us. Goodness gracious!

I stopped looking around and shifted my eyes uncomfortably. "Oh I see, still starting out?" The attendant smiled. Does he really think we're a couple? I mean it would be obvious I guess, we're dating and we came to this place. Only a moron wouldn't think of that, ugh me and myself again.

Brendan just chuckled and smiled at him. "We're not really a couple sir, we just came hoping that there would be something we would like to buy."

"Sorry for my mistake." He bowed down in apology. "It was just that you two looked cute together."



I subtly fanned myself.

Brendan was about to say something when the attendant left us to greet another customer. "Enjoy your shopping soon-to-be couples!"

I heard Brendan awkwardly cleared his throat. "Well, that was, uhm awkward.." We both looked at each other and for the first time in my life I saw him get flustered. When our eyes met, we laughed at the view of ourselves getting flustered together.

"You do look cute." We both stated at the same time, and we also looked the other way synchronously, which got us in another super awkward moment.

"Go and take a look around." He said and let go of my hand. I just noticed that it had been warm because I kept on holding his. "Something might interest you here."

"Okay." I smiled and went to an aisle by the left. It was all necklaces and one thing particularly caught my eye. It was just a simple silver necklace with a miniature purple heart in the middle. It was beautifully simple that out of all the other elegant necklaces, it stood out for me. "Pretty.."

"Pretty, isn't it?" Brendan muttered behind me.

"Yeah, but it's not something I can afford though." I sadly muffled.

"It is quite expensive." He grabbed the necklace and took a closer look on it for himself. "Let's just find you something more affordable May."

I nodded and we both went to the aisle with a lot of bracelets. But I found nothing interesting. I was never fond of bracelets from the start. My thought concentrated on the necklace I saw earlier, I'll save up for that one, maybe I could already afford it this Christmas. More than an hour passed and I wasn't able to find any other interesting accessories, or more likely, affordably interesting accessories. So we left the gift shop and paused by its door to think of a new venue to hang out.

"How about a movie?" He suggested after seeing some movie posters nearby.

"Sure!" I agreed and held on to his arm. I wonder if touching his hands made him uncomfortable.

The cinema was located on the third floor and we had to climb a few  set of stairs to get there. Even though it was the third floor, there were still a lot of people. Is it just me or there are a lot more people today than yesterday?

When we decided to pick a movie, I saw a familiar chartreuse haired bastard standing near the ticket booth.

Drew?! What's that sick pervert doing here?

"May! I'll be going out tomorrow, I'll be going out with Brianna."

Oh god I've completely forgotten that he must be here with Brianna! Quick, hide! I quickly pulled Brendan to a nearby stall. Thank goodness I saw him first.

"Wait." Brendan let go as he peeked at the spot where I was looking at. "Isn't that Andrew? And I didn't know he's going out with Brianna."

The happiness I felt earlier was starting to fade and my chest started to sting. The pain in my chest didn't waver, not even a little bit, even though I already saw him and Brianna went inside the cinema.

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