The climb

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A little bit of a Hannah Montana moment with the title I must admit!!


The rooms atmosphere caught at Jane throat as if it was forming some sort of thick cloud of shame around her neck. She stared into an empty space.
At first she was confused, then annoyed, then angry; the anger didn't take long to turn into frustration which soon turned back into confusion when she realised who she was thinking about. Jake. Her ex husband. The man who cheated on her........but also the man who, weeks ago, occupied her bed.
God, my life's messed up.
Wait. Why did she even care that he'd just made a move?.....kissed her.Ok, practically snogged the face off her.
Then it all came back to her; the shock on those oh so familiar faces as their lips met. Why did he have to do it in public?
Jane cringed.
"Dentist appointment" Jane lied as she threw half her desk into a small Prada purse.
"Two times in a week?" Reynaldo raised an eyebrow.
Jane smirked as she slid her black bag onto her arm. Very observant, she had to give him that.
"It's the age" she swiped tinted lip balm across her lips "doctors, dentists, hospital....there's always something"
Reynaldo chuckled, watching Jane intensely as she done up the last two buttons on her coat.
"Your not old Jane" he crossed his arms.
"That's your answer then, isn't it" Jane swiped her keys off the desk " why I'm always out at appointments" she continued when Reynaldo shot her a confused look "my doctors are so good at their job...I seem to be misleading people"
Reynaldo smirked as he watched her walk out of the room. She wasn't heading to the dentist and he knew it.


Jane closed her eyes and took a step back as she rounded the corner at the bakery. She steadied herself as if just hitting a brick wall. There stood Jake.
Surprise surprise
"What the hell was that!" She screeched, referring to the intimate scene that seemed to have unfolded in front of her staff and customers.
"And what the hell was this?" Jake slowly slide his hand in and out of Jane's, like she had done previously.
Jane stopped and stared. Lauren, gabby and Luke could already know about their....second...affair and all he was worried about is a stupid hand touch...hand shake at best.
"I don't know" Jane shook her head in answer to his question "a sort of 'I have to go' handshake"
"Looked more like a 'I enjoyed that, let's continue this later' sort of handshake to me" Jake shrugged "flirty some might say"
"What?" Jane narrowed her eyes. What was he on about? What was she even doing here? Meeting him around a corner like his mistress.
She groaned when a smirk began to form on Jake's lips. She was irritated by him and found her own feelings for the insufferable man frustrating. Jake didn't know which amused him most.
"Gabby, Luke, Lauren" Jane brought her hand up to massage her temples "what...i"
"Shhh" Jake placed his hand on top hers. He could feel the knots as he softly massaged her forehead, he could even see her thinking of a thousand ways her children could disown her for daring to be in the company of their father....for daring to love him.
"See" Jane's breath caught "this isn't how normal divorced people act"
Jane glanced behind, completely unaware that they were no longer around the corner from the bakery.
"Tell me what you want Jane"
Jane's head shot round as the words escaped his lips, she opened her mouth to reply but was quickly interrupted by Jake.
"What you really want. Not what you think is right. What you want"
"You know what I want" Jane stopped, making Jake swing around to face her.
"True" Jake smirked "you know what I think?"
"Enlighten me"
"I think with the kids off to college you need some company, I believe your lonely in that big house of yours and if we were alone, that kiss wouldn't have ended at just a kiss"
Jane slowly narrowed her eyes as she considered his words. Turning swiftly, she slowly began to walk away from him.
"Jane" Jake called making Jane turn.
"The people who saw us...sort them out then call me"


"If you needed somewhere to stay you could have just said" Jane smirked down the phone as she balanced a wine glass on her knee "you really didn't need to waste your time creating a whole story about me...being this big house"
A smile had graced Jake's face as soon as the phone hit his ear.
"Well hello to you too Mrs Adler"
"I'm surprised your still up"
"Trying to get asleep in a two seater convertible isn't as easy as some may think"
"Really" Jane bit her lip "you do know I have four perfectly good beds"
"Yet you phone me up at two o'clock in the morning in order to disprove that my theory of you being lonely then try to pull me in with the offer of a bed"
"Not just one bed...four" Jane reminded him "take your pick"
"We all know there's only one I want to spend the night in" Jake smirked.
"And exactly how many glasses of wine have you consumed since our last meeting?" Jake hummed in amusement.
"Enough to know that I'm going to regret this in the morning then possibly invite you back tomorrow evening"
"Yes...well this is becoming quite a habit"
"Also true" Jane smirked "but maybe we should sort that out while your here"
Walking to the door, Jane wrapped her hand around the handle.
"How far away are you?"
"Not far" Jake snapped his phone shut as soon as he came face to face with Jane "not very far at all" he smirked, hands resting against the wooden door frame.


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