Ten Years Too Late

898 61 4

****Some swearing in this chapter*******

Reaching for the door handle Diane stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she realised that it was Joanne and Trisha. They all had the same idea so there was no point beating around the bush.
Two minutes later and the blow out argument which was about a decade late in coming was now in full swing. Jane and Jake had walked down the hall hurling abuse at each other about their twenty year marriage and less than satisfactory separation before finally reaching the kitchen where the argument was now heating up.
All three girls had the same idea and were now taking their places outside the door hoping to be able to get to any casualties as quickly as possible and maybe get a listen in on the action in the process.
"I never wanted a divorce" Jake stood at one side of a table while Jane stood at the other. He was pretty sure it was a good three metres long and boy, was he glad. Jake didn't know what exactly was going on in Jane's tiny little head but she was in the mood for throwing things and not just things like towels and plastic utensils, Jake could spy Jane's hand edging closer to a pile of plates and cups with each passing second.
"Well you could've fooled me!" Jane chuckled, her eyes narrowing that much that Jake wondered how much of his face she could actually see. "You had a six month long affair with a young brunette assistant!"
"At least I was honest!" Jake fired back.
"Honest" Jane chuckled "honest...?"
"Jake you've never been honest in your life! You lied about working and left your first wife to raise three kids, you lied about going to a fertility clinic to your second wife and instead went to a fancy hotel with me. You've broken two sets of wedding vows. Jake you haven't been honest a day in your life, I'm not sure you even know the meaning of the word. Jesus Christ! When God was handing out honesty you were probably hovering about the back of the queue shagging the receptionist!"
Pushing her lips together Trisha tried not to chuckle at Jane's remarks. After a long silence she reached for the door not expecting her hand to be pulled back by Joanne.
"Are you crazy?" Gasped Diane "it's only the eye of the storm. You'll be in there no time before she starts hurling plates around"
Placing her hand back to her side, Trisha silently agreed that a glass to the door was the best option at the minute.
"Jane. Your acting crazy" Jake exclaimed holding onto the wall as if it was somehow going to save him from thousands of shards of glass and ceramic.
"Crazy?" Jane screeched "you think I'm crazy?" She sarcastically chuckled before hurling the first of many plates at Jake.
Jake flinched and covered his head with his arms as the first of many ceramic plates hit that wall beside him. "Jane maybe we just need to talk. You kicked me out when you found out about Agnes, we couldn't even look at each other never mind talk ten years ago"
"So it's my fault now?" Jane slammed another plate against the wall, glad that she didn't have any neighbours in close proximity.
Jake flinched again, steadying himself by putting a hand out onto the bench.
"Do you think we should call the kids?" Joanne looked between Trisha and Diane awaiting their opinions. She'd never seen Jane like this but she knew that Jake wasn't going to survive much longer in that kitchen and the kids arriving might calm her down a bit. You'd be amazed at how seeing her kids cars pull up in the drive way had the potential of changing her from a maniac to a kind, loving mother.
"No" Trisha shook her head "absolutely not. You know how they reacted when they found out about the affair. They've been suspicious ever since so what do you think they will do when they find out that they are spending Valentine's Day together. Anyway they are probably out enjoying the night themselves. Jane will calm down soon enough.
Diane nodded her head in agreement though Trisha had barely got the words out of her mouth before another plate was slammed against the wall.
"Are you sure about that?" Joanne raised her eyebrow at Diane and Trisha. If they were flinching while outside the door, God knows what Jake is going through inside.
"Ok" Diane sighed.
"A text" Trisha agreed "but only a text. Jane will kill us if she find out"
"Yeah. Jake won't be the only one getting plates hurled at him" Diane chuckled as she watched Joanne take her phone out to send Lauren a quick text.

Hey it's Joanne
Sorry to bother you on Valentine's night but I'm with your mom, maybe you should give her a call. Nothing serious but as soon as possible would be great.

Clicking the send button, Joanne hoped the smashing would end soon.
Meanwhile inside the kitchen Jake had now decided that hiding behind the table was his best option. Several large pieces of glass and ceramic littered the kitchen floor. It seemed Jane wouldn't be satisfied until she had the whole kitchen raided of anything smash-able.
"You selfish. Lying. Bastard." Jane screeched while she hurled three different plates at the wall.
"Jane, throwing things isn't the answer" Jake tried to peek from behind the table as he slowly raised his hand.
"It just feels so fucking great" Jane gritted her teeth as another plate slammed against the wall.
"Jane you can throw plates at my head all day but....."
"Good" Jane interrupted Jake.
"What i I mean is......you'll feel much better if we just talk" Jake tried to convince her.
"I doubt it" Jane chuckled watching Jake flinch as another glass hit the side of the table.
"Jane this isn't normal" Jake begged her.
"Fuck normal"
A glass jar hit the chair Jake was hiding behind, making him jump. After the shards of  glass hit the floor the next thirty seconds was filled with silence.
Jane's extreme anger was turning into sadness before it quickly took a left turn, turning into amusement. The sound of Jane's laughter filled the room.
Pecking from behind the chair Jake slowly began to stand up, keeping his arms raised just in case Jane decided to hurl an extra plate at him.
"Oh my god" Jane giggled as she covered her eyes with both hands.
"No Jake" Jane chuckled as she took one hand off her face, raising it to stop Jake from continuing.
"Oh my god. I've been waiting ten years to scream at you" she giggled.
Jake took a few steps towards Jane, looking around he noted that hundreds of dollars worth of plates that were now smashed against the floor. He doubted there was even any plates left if Jane suddenly decided she wasn't done with the smashing match.
Standing with in touching distance of Jane, Jake noted her fits of giggles quickly turning into tears.
Jake sighed and looked towards the door that he knew the three girls would be huddled behind. Glancing back over at Jane he watched as her hands stuck to her face, tears running down the parts of her cheeks that were visible.
Within a few seconds he had grabbed her and tightly pulled her into her chest. Jane tried to use her frail arms to push him away put she quickly gave up and relaxed.
Leaning against the bench, Jake checked the floor for glass before slowly siding their bodies down to rest on the tiles against the corner kitchen units.
Jake slowly rubbed his hand up and down Jane's blond hair as the sound of her cries echoed through the room. Jane's cries were nearly as loud as the plates smashing, just looking down at her face buried in his chest and his soaked shirt Jake knew she was crying her heart out.
He secretly knew that this was ten years of headache finally spilling out.
Leaning his back against the new kitchen units, Jake roughing kissed the top of Jane's head as he tightened his arms around her.
"I'm sorry"

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