Mr & Mrs Adler

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Jane practically jumped cross the bed to reach the ringing phone. Joanne and Trisha were still hanging about downstairs, she couldn't risk them getting to the downstairs phone before she'd answered. Her two best friends were stubborn, she wasn't going to deny it.
It had been forty minutes since she had arrived home to find the two girls waiting for her. Nearly three thousand pound worth of dresses lay across the floor, yet not one of them seemed good enough. Jake was due in twenty minutes. She had to face facts, deciding weather she should wear Chanel or Stella McCartney wasn't her biggest worry, trying to get out of the house without Trisha and Joanne noticing, was.
"Jake?" She gasped as she placed the phone to her ear. She'd recognise that voice anywhere. Realising the two girls were most likely glued to the other side of the door, Jane mentally kicked herself for saying his name so loudly.
Jane opened the small wooden door to her bathroom and locked it behind her.
"Janey?" Jake repeated.
"Jake, I swear if you call me that one more time..."
"You'll do what?" Jane rolled her eyes at Jake's slightly amused voice.
"Joanne and Trisha are here" Jane sighed.
"Well I'm afraid you'll have to inform them that I only have eyes for you" Jake smirked.
"The point being..." Jane rolled here eyes at his boldness " am I supposed to get out of the house?"
"Well I don't know about you, but I always found the door a sensible option"
"Jake!" Jane shrieked "I'm being serious here"
"Well if your serious then why don't you just tell them where your actually going" Jake chuckled "your going out with me, an immensely handsome, eligible bachelor. I thought you would jump at the chance to make them jealous"
"Jake, this isn't the time for you to state some egotistical nonsense" Jane couldn't help but smile "and anyway, your not"
"What, handsome?"
"A bachelor" Jane smirked.
"So I am handsome, then?"
"Jake I don't have time for this" Jane rubbed her head, feeling a slight headache coming on.
"Still deciding on which dress to wear?"
"Yes" Jane sighed "Wait...How did you know?"
"Look out your window" Jake smirked.
" your not" Jane covered her eyes as she took a few steps closer to the window "please tell me your not" Jane sighed down the phone when she spotted Jake swinging on the swing they had sat on only a few months previous "Jake!"
"Wear the black dress honey, it has an unbelievable element of danger attached to it." And with that he hung up.
Jane threw the phone against her bed in frustration. She just wanted this night to be over and done with, with all the unexpected surprises to vanish. But did she really?
Jane quickly threw the dress on and roughly ran her hands through her hair. She didn't have time for all this, the sound of Trisha rushing around her kitchen was enough to send a shiver down her spine.
"Heads" she shouted as she hurled one of her best pair of Jimmy choos out the window.
Jane chuckled when the heels narrowly missed Jake's head.
"What are you doing?" Jake shrieked.
"Getting out of here" Jane rolled her eyes at his slowness "now...are you going to help me or stand there looking like an idiot?"
Jake stood up, quickly shook his head and managed to just about bend down to pick up the two shoes.
"Ladder...round the back of the house, near the shed" Jane all but demanded, her feet swinging from the window ledge.
"A ladder?" Jake raised an eyebrow.
"You didn't honestly think I was going to jump" Jane rolled her eyes as she watched Jake scamper around and later return carrying a ladder. "I'm not suicidal...." She continued as her bare feet hit the coolness of the ladder "...well I might be by the time tonight is over"
"I see Mother Nature hasn't left yet" Jake smirked as Jane steadied herself by placing both hands on his shoulders. Jane didn't even bother commenting, she grabbed both her shoes out of his hands, keeping eye contact the whole time, quickly looking away when she came to her senses.
" long do you think I'll have to deal with the moody remarks?" He innocently asked. Jake held her hand as she balanced trying to slide each of her shoes back on to her feet.
"Depends..." Jane muttered " long are you going to blatantly voice your intentions?"
"Intentions?" Jake raised an eyebrow.
"Since you haven't grasped the idea of us being just friends...."
"...Or maybe I just think the ideas absurd"
After placing the second shoe onto her foot, Jane slowly lowered it to the ground, her eyes staying glued to Jake's face. Absurd?
"Jane?" The sound of Trisha and Joanne calling her name soon brought Jane out of her daydream.
"Shit!" She muttered under her breath, pulling Jake with her into the wall.
"Well isn't this cozy" Jake smirked, earning himself a dirty look from Jane. Jake was pushed into the corner of the wall, Jane lay on top of him. He was right, it was cozy.
Jane bit her tongue as she felt Jake tighten his grasp around her.
"She's climbed out the bloody window"
Jane buried her face in Jake's coat when she heard the voices of her two friends. She looked up again as she felt Jake's hands slide down lower...
"I swear to god...." Jane stopped as soon as she realised that her voice was not as quiet as she had meant it to be. The voices of Trisha and Joanne had stopped too. Jane took a deep breath, just as she was about to speak again, Jake silenced her with a kiss.
They finally broke apart for air, Jane's eyes darting between his and his lips.
"Jane?" They may not have been able to see the window but Trisha's voice was definitely not coming from inside the house.
"The car is at the end of the drive"
"And why are you telling me this?" Jane raised an eyebrow.
"Because your going to run for it" Jake smirked.
"Run for it?" Jane repeated "Jake, I'm in Jimmy choos. I'm not going to 'run for it'" she rolled her eyes.
"Then what do you suggest?"
"I suggest you get out of here before Trisha finds you"


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