Poke Smot

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Jake propped himself up against the corner kitchen counter. The pair still sat on the floor, Jane's tears had slowly come to a stop but she still lay on Jake's chest, her arms tightly wrapped around him.
"That apology. How far back does it go?" She muttered.
"How far back do you need it to go?" Jake smirked.
"Wayyy back" Jane giggled as she tightened her grasp around Jake.
"Ok. Consider it an all inclusive apology , from not being the husband you needed to turning up naked on your bed six months ago" Jake chuckled.
"Yeah, I never asked you. What was the deal with that?" Jane asked.
"I don't know, I never thought that far along. I suppose I expected you to find me irresistible and fall back into my arms" Jake explained, a smile playing on his lips "I suppose I just wanted things to be like they used to be"
Hearing those words, Jane tightened her grip around Jake. Burying her head into his chest, Jane didn't want to move. For those few seconds everything was perfect.


Joanne, Diane and Trisha all bundled through the kitchen door, Joanne was first but spotted Jane and Jake on the floor. Joanne quickly came to a stop making Diane and Trisha near fall over her.
"Jesus Joanne did you not learn to wa......"
Trisha stopped when she caught what Joanne was staring at.
Jake sat on the ground against the kitchen counters, Jane lying against his chest with her head buried and her arms tightly wrapped around him.
All three girls opened their mouths to speak but nothing came out. Spotting the three girls Jake ran his hand threw Jane's hair as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Right....." Diane muttered "I'm just.....I'm gonna go"
"Me too" Joanne gave the two girls a side glance.
"Actually could one of you give me a lift?" Trisha asked.
"Sure" Diane muttered, her eyes seemly staying glued to Jake and Jane.
"You don't have to go" Jane moved her head from Jake's chest. The truth was that she had forgotten all about her three friends, they were the least of her worries right now.
"No...honestly" Joanne narrowed her eyes as she scanned all the broken ceramic and glass that was scattered across the kitchen. "I'm on the early shift in the morning"
"Me too" Trisha made her quick excuse.
"And I'm.....I'm just tired" Diane looked from side to side.
"Ok" Jane sighed as she pushed herself up "let me walk you all out then"
"No, really......we can make are own way out" Diane fiddled with her car keys.
"No, really.....I want to" Jane smiled, wiping her running mascara away.
Pushing herself up and away from Jake, Jane walked the three girls down the hallway and out to their cars.
Trisha softly grabbed Jane's face when they both pulled away from their brief hug "you need to sleep" she smiled, noting the bags under her eyes "alone" she added before pulling away.
Jane rolled her eyes and smiled as she gave Diane and Joanne a small hug goodbye.
"Thanks, for coming" Jane muttered to each of them "I don't know how I would have faced this year by myself, you know....after all that's happened recently"
"I know" Diane smiled, putting her hands on her friends shoulders.
"Well we now know that you wouldn't exactly have been alone" Joanne muttered earning herself a small smack from Trisha.
"Just...you know...be careful" Joanne smiled at her friends as she unlocked her BMW.
"I will" Jane smiled, tugging a small jacket around her cold arms.
Jane watched as the cars disappeared down her private driveway before she headed back inside to face Jake. They had been close for a while there, but being out of his arms for a short time brought back all her doubts.
"Jake?" Jane said as she entered the large kitchen. Jane smiled and raised an eyebrow when she turned the corner only to see Jake sat on the ground in the same position she'd left him in.
"You're going to catch your death if you sit on that cold floor any longer" she chuckled, folding her arms.
"Well it isn't exactly a choice" Jake muttered as he tried his best to outstretch his hand to his back.
"Please tell me your not stuck" Jane bit her lip.
"You see what happens when your not looking out for me" Jake chuckled with her "bad back, heart, digestive system"
"Hmm" Jane giggled "I'm afraid that my powers don't stretch to limiting the effect of ageing"
"Your fine, you don't suffer with it"
"Oh, was that a complement?" Jane smirked.
"No...yes...I mean, you do" Jake stuttered
"I do?" Jane giggled.
Jane ran her finger alone the kitchen counter as she slowly began to walk away smirking.
"Jane" Jake sighed
Jane shot round just as she reached the door.
"Please" Jake begged her.
Jane rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe she was going back to help him.
"Right...what do you need me to do?" Jane sighed.
"Jake" Jane closed her eyes and slowly raised her hands to stop him "if your not going to be serious...." Jane slowly turned her body around to leave.
"Ok, ok" Jake chuckled "take my hands"
Jane was quick to obey, pulling Jake's hands, she began to help him up.
"What would your wife say if she knew that you were round at another woman's house on Valentine's Day?" Jane smirked.
Their fingers where still in entwined as Jake stood in front of her, her fingers curling around the gold band on his finger.
"Your not any other woman, Jane" he chuckled, following her eyes and they scanned his soaked shirt.
"I don't think your wife will see it like that" Jane muttered. Her hand trailing down the buttons of Jake's soaked shirt.
"Sorry" Jane giggled as she slowly trailed her finger over the dark mascara stains on the plain shirt.
Jane's eyes caught with his as his fingers moved on top of hers. Their eyes stayed latched to each other's as he slowly began to unbutton his shirt.
"Now your really going to catch you death" Jane smirked as her eyes slowly made their way down his body. "I really need to get this place cleaned up" she muttered as she tore her eyes away from Jake.
"Mmm" Jake agreed as he looked at the glass and ceramic scattered around the tile floor.

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