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Love, lies, hurt and deceit.

"Is that guilt I smell?"
Jane slammed the door so hard, she was sure it bounced back off the hinges. Of course they were still here, those three would pull a sickie just to hear the low down on Jane's night out with this unknown, mysterious man.....but he wasn't that mysterious or Unknown, was he?
The fact that she didn't come home last night most likely added to their fire.
Wow, fifteen seconds.
The amount of time she had lasted without him. But she needed him more than ever. She just needed him to take her away from this place....this house.
She had sat staring at the empty space his car had once sat, for a good ten seconds before a car alarm from quite a few streets back finally brought her back from the world of 'Jane and Jake dramatics'
Fifteen seconds. Not even enough time to walk from one end of her house to the other, yet that's the amount of time she had lasted without him.
She needed him.....needs him.
She stared at her lockscreen. I could call him. He'd be right back, but then he'd know, know that I....
Jane threw her phone into the glass bowl with her keys, not even caring if the screen was to shatter.
A sharp pain hit her back as she bent down to take her heels off. A night on her office floor was something she could and would never do again. Well with Jake....that statement might and most probably would've been rethought. In fact, whenever his name came into the equation, most things were rethought.
Jane didn't even have to be in the kitchen to smell the stench of Chinese food.
"Alright" Jane's raised voice warned the women not to call her name any longer "I'm coming....I'm coming" Jane muttered as she made her way into the lounge.
Shit. Mirror.
Jane pulled herself back from the door and ran her hands threw her hair but, who was she kidding? There was nothing she could ever come up with to explain why she was out all night.
Jane calmed herself with a few deep breaths before swinging the door open.
The place was a mess, the sight of it gave her a headache.
The image of her daughter sitting beside her three friends brought Jane out of her sleep deprived daze.
Lauren was here.....with her friends. Now she really did need to call Jake.
The mere thought of the stories the three women could've shared with her daughter, made an immediate blush rise up Jane's face.
Jane arriving home early in the morning wearing the same dress as the night before was something she never wanted her daughter to see.
"Lauren" Jane could barely part her lips to speak before turning to Trisha, Diane and Joanne "you not only stayed in my house but invited my daughter over to hear all of the gory details"
"Gory details?" Trisha's eyebrows raised "shame we're out of wine then"
"This isn't funny"
"Calm down mom" Lauren sighed "I was just passing and....."
Jane had closed her eyes, threw her hands up in the air and was out of the door before Lauren could even finish her sentence. "I'm away to bed"


"So much for not speaking for a few days, it's barely been fifteen minutes Janey" A wide smile had appeared on Jake's face as soon as her name flashed up on his lockscreen. "Janey..?" He called after a few seconds silence "ok. Your worrying me now" his frown grew after a full minute of nothing but light breathing down the phone, so much so that his car had turned into a side street that could easily turn him back around to the direction of Jane's house.
"I shouldn't have called"
"If you dare hang up on me, I'll have no choice but to turn this car back around" his threat was light but gave Jane a few seconds to think about how she was to fit a summary of her day so far into a few sentences.
"Lauren's here" Jane sighed, wondering over to the window just to make sure her daughters car was still parked in the driveway "apparently she called over last night...and...Trisha, Diane and Joanne were here...and..well, I was otherwise"
"So she saw me walk in this the same dress as last night and put two and two together..." Jane's voice turned into a slight whisper.
"...and got five...I suppose" Jake's cheery tone brought Jane out of her pit of self pity.
Even his tone makes me smile. What's wrong with me?
"The hilarious thing is that what she's actually thinking is true cause we did..." Jane sighed and began rubbing her head.
"Yes we did" Jake smirked as if Jane needed that information clarified "twice"
"Oh god"
"Do you need me to come over? You could have another practice jump from the window. Just try not to kill me which your shoes....those things are lethal"
"No" Jake could almost see Jane eyes widen from down the phone "na ah" she shook her head "that would make things ten times worse"
"And how exactly could things get any worse?"
Jake smirked when all he could hear was Jane's heavy breathing down the phone. She was thinking, and not very successfully by the sound of it.
"Just no" Jane shook her head at Jake's previous offer. There was no way she was allowing him to come over in the middle of this.
"It would be easier for the both of us if you just said yes"
"No" Jane repeated with a smirk.


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