Love Becomes Her

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I think you will all like where I'm going with this story. Running up to Lauren's wedding should be 'fun'. You may think it won't getting anymore shocking/dramatic and then Lauren's wedding day dawns.....;)
Just in case you can't remember, Fred and Sally are the couple whose anniversary party Jane and Jake were attending at the start of the movie.


"The kids can't find out"
Jakes had almost devoured Jane's neck "I mean it" she added.
"Stop worrying" Jake smirked, inhaling her sweet perfume.
"It's not as easy as that" Jane sighed as she ran her hands down her neck to where Jake's lips had once been. It's never just as easy as that.
"Right now we forget about everything, everyone and walk into that restaurant as Jane and Jake Adler, two people looking to spend time with one another"
Jane's head lay back against the head rest of the cold leather seat as she looked across to him. Was he serious?.....of course he was serious. Ten seconds of intense staring later, a small smirk from Jane meant that, for once, she agreed with him.
"Well" Jane shrugged her shoulders when he didn't proceed and take the first step out of the car.
"Well" Jake smirked "ladies first"
"Only because your eyes are going to be glueddd to my ass" Jane's right hand rested on the handle of the door where as, her left hand pushed her body further towards Jake. She gave him a quick kiss, pushing him away and slowly exiting the car before it became anything more.
Like a child, Jake's hand slid down the length of her arm as he tugged Jane closer while crossing the road. Jane slowly removed his hand, biting her lip when it decided to rest around her waist instead.
"Three conditions" she muttered as they qued at the door.
"I thought we were leaving this to later" Jake smirked as he scanned the crowd for someone the two of them could quite possibly know.
"Well you thought wrong" Jane pushed her lips together to try and stop a satisfied smile appearing on her face. "Number one, no strings attached"
"Even though we're already attached by rope" Jake commented.
"Number two..." Jane continued with a mere roll of her eyes "the kids aren't told, and anyone else for that matter"
"These are getting more obvious as you go along" Jake smirked as they shuffled further up the line.
"Number three" Jane concluded "no tight dresses, expensive perfume and candle lit dinners"
"Well...tight dresses.." Jake argued as his hands traveled further down from Jane's waist.
"...and no public touching, kissing, HOLDING" she wiggled out of Jake's grasp with a giggle.
"I thought there were only three rules"
"I changed my mind"
"You woman seem to do a lot of that" Jake muttered earning himself a slap from Jane. "I have one rule" he smirked.
"You...and rules" Jane chuckled making sure they stayed one behind the other while they were out in the public "now...this I have to hear.....go on" she urged him.
"You know that homemade granola"
"We sell it for Six fifty a bag at the store" Jane reminded him before he even had time to conclude his 'rule'.
"I may just have to call in someday and get some then" Jake smirked.
"And no calling into the store!"
"That's five rules now" Jake commented "I may have to start writing these down"
"You'll ignore every single one of them" Jane stated with a slight chuckle "there's no point in even wasting a page"
"Then why are you even stating them?" Jake smirked.
"'s what you expect me to do" Jane bit her lip "just like I expect you to ignore them"
"Well if that's what you expect me to do.." Jake wrapped his fingers around Jane's wrist making her spin around "..I'd hate to not live up to your expectations"
"No..Jake I..."
It was too late, Jake's lips were already pressed against hers. She didn't push away. Though she never does. Her arms took their place around his neck. Jane was only brought out of her romantic daze by Jake's hands making their way dangerously low.
"What's that..?" Jane turned her head to look down at her watch, giving Jake just enough time to place another kiss below her ear "...just over three minutes" Jane muttered.
"Well...I never was very good at obeying the rules" Jake smirked.
Their faces were practically touching when Jane turned round again. "But?" Jane raised an eyebrow.
"It's just that I'm sensing there's a 'but' to that statement" Jane smirked.
"But....." Jake chuckled avoiding Jane's burning eyes "Fred and Sally twelve o'clock" he firmly stated in full spy mode.
Jane's eyes grew to the size of saucers as she tried to look around.
"No" Jake whispered as he used two fingers below her chin to stop her looking round. "No" he repeated calmly "look at me".
Jane's eyes latched on to his.
"Now...this is what we're going to do..."
"No. This is what we're going to do" Jane interrupted him "we're going to slowly turn around, walk Back to that ridiculous boy racer you call a car and drive to the nearest take away...preferably before I die of starvation" Jane rolled her eyes when Jake smirked at her boldness.
Jane looked side to side before grabbing Jake's hand and running across the unusually clear road.
"Ohh I like this new bossy side of you" Jake smirked before getting pulled by his tie into his 'ridiculous boy racer'. "Careful" Jake chuckled as he rubbed the side of his neck "anyone would think your trying your best to take me home"
"Drive!" Jane squealed "anyone would think you want to get caught by our life long friends!" She sighed in frustration, her chest moving up and down rapidly.
"Drive?" Jake smirked "no problem"
Jake reversed, spun round, accelerated then delivered a quick emergency break at the traffic lights, making Jane's stomach turn.
"Shit" she muttered, ducking below the dashboard.
The familiar couple crossed the road in front of them making Jake's eyes widen.
"Jake?" Sally raised an eyebrow as she approached the Black sports car, dragging Fred behind her.


It's complicatedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें