Chapter 2. Easy on the beer

Start from the beginning

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Lance walked out into the kitchen, greeting Phil as he was done talking to Dave Prescott about the upcoming night's events.

"They will be there. We'll meet all of them down at the bar." he said taking one beer from the fridge, opening it.

The house they were living in, a two story brick house, they shared with their mother Laura.

The ingenious with this particular house was, not only was it a beautiful house, but it was built like it contained small apartments, one for them each. Their late father had been the genius builder, god bless his soul, and god bless his professional eye for details.

The kitchen however, they all shared that one, mostly to the boys delight. How else would they be able to enjoy their mother's good cooking?

They ranked that ability as one of the most important ones.

Phil also opened one beer and slumped down on a chair with a low grunt. He gazed at his brother.

"I cannot fathom why Marla still thinks there is a possibility for her to get back together with Cody? "he said and took a few gulps, "He made things pretty clear to her."

Lance just shook his head. "You know her," then he added, "And you know Cody. . . Pretty clear, my ass!"

Both of them grinned knowingly and finished both their beers.

They knew that Cody was a player, and that he played the girls his way, knowing they would do anything FOR him and preferably WITH him.

Actually when thinking about it, both of them were a little bit envious of him. Having all those females throwing themselves before him that easily and that often, but hey, he was Cody Warner. . .and to their dismay, they were not.

But then again, they were his best friends after all, and that meant that eventually the girls saw them too, so they could not really complain now, could they?

Quickly checking their funds for the night, they then rose to their feet and walked out the door.

They came to the conclusion almost at once that driving was out of the question, so they started walking down the street. And this town, being such a small town and all, the distances weren't all that far, so getting the exercise from the walk was just a bonus for them.

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Laura stood behind the counter of the bar 'The Pint', looking relaxed. With experience she served the most thirsty guests and smiled ever so sweetly at them as they told her funny stories and tried their best to charm her.

She recognized most of the customers in the bar, well, make that men in the bar to be more exact. Almost all of them coming by after work at least five days a week and she could almost set her clock after some of them. They were that punctual.

Country music was pouring out from the speakers that were assembled up by the ceiling over the counter. She personally did not like that kind of music at all, she preferred plain rock'n'roll, but hey, she could withstand country music during work hours. She just had to.

Her employer had anyway been forthcoming as much as he allowed one rock night a month, and this night wasn't it, sadly enough.

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