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       That night, Kazuma, Bishamon, Roy, and Riza went to dinner together.  They found a way for Bisha and Kazuma to get back - so they were having a goodbye dinner.  Riza wore a sapphire short blue dress, with her hair down.  Bisha wore a long, strapless black dress with a slit in the side running down her leg.  Her blonde hair was left down and had slight waves to it.  Kazuma and Roy both wore suits. 
       "You look beautiful Veena." Kazuma smiled and took her hand as he helped her into her seat.
       "Thank you Kazuma..." She smiled.
       "Lieutenant you look very nice." Roy complimented her.
        Him and Riza couldn't date in public at risk of somebody overhearing and reporting them so they dated in secret.  The only ones who knew were Kazuma and Bisha... They hadn't even told their team yet.
       As they waited for their food, they stuck up conversation about the norm of each other's world.  Roy and Riza talked about Ed and Al, about Shou Tucker and about the battle with Scar and father.  About the homunculus and philosophers stone and the crazy gold toothed Doctor.  Bisha and Kazuma told the stories about Yato, Hiyori, and Yukine.  They told about the battle with Kugaha and the underworld battle with Izanami and Ebisu.  About their time at Kapyper land.  The dinner was filled with a mixture of emotions - even from the most stoic and emotionless of the group.  Smiles, laughter, frowns, and looks of horror could be seen flashing on and off of each other's faces.
       After dinner, the two couples walked out into the beach where the the full moon reflected perfectly on the glassy yet dark waters. Kazuma and Bisha and Riza and Roy walked along the beach in silence, appreciating the moment with their new friends and appreciating each other for being alive.  They were amazed with the beauty of it all... And how wonderful nature could be if they stopped to appreciate it. 

Royai KazuVeena CROSSOVER Where stories live. Discover now