Task 2: "It" (E)

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This carnival has literally been a bloody nightmare. I've never seen a dead body before. I mean obviously I've watched crime-shows on television, but never anything this macabre. They don't even look like actual people anymore. I'd even wonder if they ever were if you look at the way they've been disposed next to Jess. And when you can't get out of here, people freak out and run off to God knows where. Hell, even I freak out.

With everybody just gone in different directions, I'm on my own. You'd tell me right now, that that's a really bad idea in a place like this, and I wouldn't disagree. However, I do prefer being on my own when I look at the array of people I could be stuck with. The big Ferris-wheel is behind me, and every time I look back at it, it feels like something is looking right back at me. I don't believe much in ghosts and paranormal activity, but this place is really making me consider changing my mind.

There's this big circus-tent in front of me and I moving more and more towards it. It might be a good place to hide if I can find a good spot. There is a moment to play hero, a moment to be a smartass, and a moment to hide. Considering that every time I turn around to face the Ferris-wheel I feel someone or something is looking at me I get this creepy feeling sneaking down my spine in goosebumps, I want someplace where I can't be seen.

I take a few steps into the tent. The ground is dusty and sandy of course. Imagine, in this place, once upon a time, different animals performed in front of probably hundreds of people. Of course, that was in its better days, which has clearly passed. I get to the edge of the circle and I see these ladders sneak up towards the top. There's a set of swings up there. It's really out in the open, but stupid people rarely look up. At least, I hope this thing is as stupid.

It's not all bright in here. I can see where my hands are and I can see the ladder next to me, and for now, that's all I care about. For some reason the wind is picking up pace in here. I haven't climbed that many steps before I'm starting to second-guess myself. It happens. Who's the genius climbing up a ladder in an abandoned circus-tent? Me! Of course it's me. I shake it off and keep climbing. I'd call this a flaw. Even when I know I'm putting myself up for failure, I just keep on going.

I keep my thoughts to myself for a while. I'm about halfway through to the top when I hear this distinct flapping sound. It immediately causes me to look down and around me. I can't be alone in here. Not after that! That was not 'just the wind'. I lean my forehead against the ladder for a moment. There's nothing to worry about, Rae. Only four people have turned up dead so far. You're not going to be next... Of course I'm next! I'm the bloody genius who got herself into this in the first place.

I can be such a smartass about these things. Next thing I know, the ladder is starting to turn wobbly, and I swear to the heavens above that there is a sawing sound beneath me. Crap, crap, crap! I'm not afraid of heights of course, but the reason I'm not looking down is because I don't want to see what it is that's trying to kill me! It doesn't take long before my weight does the rest of the job and drives the ladder, with me on it, to the ground. Now I almost wish that I wasn't this good of a climber. Hitting the ground is going to be very unpleasant.

I'm not that smart of a person because I don't jump off the ladder before it hits the ground. I literally go down with it and immediately hear this crack in my shoulder. Not good. I get up on my feet and I spot this shiny object next to the ladder. What's even more disturbing are the footprints that I see all around me. I didn't see them earlier. That's more than enough to get me moving. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. Then again, I'm coming to realize that the amount of time I have to spend in this place, is not up to me.

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