Tribute Form for D2 Female - Shadow Skye ("Rhapsody")

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Name: Shadow Skye

District: 2

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Song & Artist: "Battle Cry" by Imagine Dragons

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrow

Appearance: Short black hair (like a boy's cut), around 5,5 feet tall, has a rather slim stature. Doesn't carry too much muscle in her body, as a result of her preferring distance instead of hand to hand combat. Has the typical appearance of an archer.

Personality: She's a very atypical tribute to be from District 2. She's enclosed, doesn't say much, rather lets her actions speak for her instead. She's rather withdrawn to everything and everyone around her. She doesn't entirely feel like she can trust anyone, not out of arrogance, but out of fear. She's considered to be kind of weird by many in the academy, but when they see her use the bow and arrow, they usually accept her for who she is. She's the standing-in-the-back type of girl who doesn't want attention drawn on her. She bites her nails when nobody looks, like a compulsory thing she has to do. She carries around a lot of anxiety and insecurities due to past traumas...

Background: It's a rarity that people leave their newborn children on the street to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, that's what happened to Shadow. She was left on her own at the age of three and when she was picked up by an institution for homeless children, she wasn't anywhere in the system and she didn't know her own name. She was eventually named Shadow because of the way she hid in the shadows when she sensed danger and how she managed to stay hidden there for so long without anyone finding her. The only thing she has from her biological parent or parents, is her last name, 'Skye'. However, nobody has ever come to claim her.

She's been through several foster-homes since she was five. Once she got accepted into the Tribute Academy, she was allowed to move over there and live by herself. That was of course after they discovered her massive talent with the bow and arrow. Her physical state however was less impressive and it still is, but she was still very fit. At night, bad memories would haunt her and she would go out for a if to run away from her demons. It has made her really fit as an archer. She never really vowed to volunteer for the Games, nor was she asked. As fate would have it, the odds just weren't in her favor...

Token: A necklace around her neck with an arrowhead. It's the only thing she feels keeps her safe from the demons haunting her...

Other: She's got scars in places nobody would ever think to look for them...

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