Chapter Eleven

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The women all shared the same look before turning back to me. "You need to mark her."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Mark her? They want me to mark an unconscious Alpha who is adamant on not having a mate? Are they out of their freaking minds?

"I'm sorry," I shook my head before continuing. "You want me to what now?" My lips were pursed together in a tight line.

Another elder around the table sighed. "We know how this sounds. Marking her without her permission-"

"Yeah it sounds insane. Marking is the start of the mating processing! You all realize when she wakes up, if it works, that she is going to be beyond furious?" I said firmly.

They nodded their heads. "She can be a bit stubborn. We are aware of that-"

"A bit?" I shouted. I was aware I was being rude by my constant interruptions. But this was just crazy.

Rosemarie put her hand on mine again. "Child, we realize what it is we are asking you to do. But think about it, when a female is marked by her mate the bond between you two intensifies. Not only between you two but also your wolves.That is a bond that no wolf can resist, it will bring Nina's wolf back."

The truth behind her words were strong. Being marked not only called out to Zev, but it elicited an emotion within the two of us that couldn't be described by mere words. I knew it would do the same to Lyra. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a huff of air. If I went through with this I knew as soon as Nina woke up she'd have my head. But the thought of her actually still being here, that was something I couldn't pass up. Even if marking her would undoubtedly push her over the edge and reject me for crossing a line. I'd rather have her alive, then the alternative.

"We understa-"

"I'll do it." I cut in suddenly.

They turned to look at each other. "You will?"

I nodded my head. "Even if she ends up rejecting me because of it. I will do it. The alternative is not an option in my mind. I'll do anything to save her. I'll mark her." I stated confirming to them that I was in and willing to go along with their insane plan.

Rosemarie squeezed my hand, I turned my head down in her direction. "Thank you," she said to me. I gave her a smile in response.

She pushed back her chair and stood. "We don't have much time, child. Let's go now." I was once again following her out of the room.

We made it back to Nina's room in the clinic. Once we passed the doorframe Rosemarie took one look at her unmoving Alpha in the bed then looked at me and squeezed my hand as encouragement. She then walked out of the room giving Nina and I some privacy. My hand found it's way back into my hair. I paced around the room trying to work up the courage to mark her.

This is just insane! I shouted in my head.

If we don't do this then we will lose her for sure. Zev countered back.

I know that! I just can't imagine the result of what will happen when she wakes up and finds the mark.

Whatever her reaction is, it's better than the one that will happen if we don't do it. He replied.

I knew he was right so there was no point in arguing with him. I let out one more huff of air and sat the bed next to Nina. I stared down at her beautiful face. Even when she was flirting with Death's doorstep, she was still the most beautiful girl that has ever walked this Earth.

"Please forgive me, Nina," I whispered in her ear as I leaned down to touch her neck with my lips. I placed a gentle kiss on the skin below her ear. Her breath hitched slightly as response. I smiled, at least I knew I could get this reaction out of her while she was unconscious. Shaking my head I went back to putting all my attention on the task at hand. I trialed a line of soft kisses down her neck. I tried to busy my thoughts so I wouldn't have to think about how she was unmoving. This moment was supposed to be passionate, filled with every emotion of happiness that existed. The first step to the mating process, the one that would connect us together, and the one that will show that she is taken by me. That she is mine, and only mine.

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