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Anjaleen smiled as she touched the rosy red and bright yellow stones of her new necklace. The whole necklace was made of Kobalt jewels, the rarest, most expensive jewels in all the land. The stone changed color, reflecting one's mood.

The stones grew a brighter yellow and a deeper red as her heart filled with happiness and love for the person it had come from.

Three moons ago, Rhydian had proposed to her after a romantic evening-meal at the most exquisite diner in Avaradia. He had asked her to walk with him in the grand gardens of the diner.

He'd stopped her in the most beautiful part of the garden filled with blooming yellow and white tulips, bright red roses, and heavenly blooming honeysuckles. She remembered him pulling the necklace from his pocket, holding it out to her, giving her the most beautiful speech she'd her heard, then asking her to marry him.

She'd been so happy after her new fiance had put the necklace around her neck that the stones flashed a bright yellow as they did now.

"Hello, love." Her fiance purred as he entered her room.

"Hello to you, too." She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed passionately before pulling away and smiling.

"I can't wait for our wedding!" Rhydian exclaimed, "I can't wait for you to officially be my mate!" He smiled, "I was so happy for Jezabelle and Nathaniel's wedding. It was so perfect. But ours will be more perfect!"

He tried to peek around her and glance at the wedding plans she, Jezabelle, and Elaina had been working on since the proposal.

"No looking," she cried once she realized the designs for her dress were on the top of the pile, "Not yet!"

He pouted and glared playfully at her before grinning broadly. He reached forward and fingered her necklace, running a thumb over the largest jewel. The stone turned as pink and rosy as her face did.

"H-hey," she stammered as his hands lingered a little longer on the sensitive skin of her neck. He placed his pointer finger under her chin and pulled her body close to his again.

"I love you so much," he breathed, "my mate."

She hummed and pulled him closer, burying her face into his neck, "I love you more."

She looked deeply into his crystal blue eyes and pecked him on the lips. For the first time in her life, she was really happy, really at peace with her life.

Let this go on forever, she thought, and never end.

A/N: This is the end of Rise of the Scaled Ones!  I plan on making a sequel and will make an announcement once I do. I know this was painfully short, but it's got the info it needs and some fluff and a silly Rhydian in there for you. I really look froward to starting the sequel, but it may be a while, so bear with me. I hope you liked it!

~ Alex out! ;)

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